Freez my game.... why?


i have a game …
the video is on youtube …

but before send tu appstore, I add more objetcs, and texture etc…etc…

at the beginin the game works fine, but 3 days working on it, when you launch your game on two diferents iphones, it freez in middle of the game… and crash .

then my question is :
try to reduce the textures sizes ? 1024 to 512, or the 512 to 256 ?
try to reduce poligones ?
what couold be better to make the game more fluid and dont crash please ?
any comments are always welcome.
thanks a lot .

First thing to do would be to make sure that ALL your textures have power-of-two dimensions (eg. 256, 128, 64 etc.) If they are not then they take up a LOT of memory.

If you have 1024x1024 textures then you should probably reduce those to be smaller if they aren’t crucial.

Check also that you do not have any errors being thrown anywhere during the execution of the game. I have had this type of thing happen to me in the past and most every time it was caused by a runtime error. It would keep running in the IDE but on the phone. It could be memory usage of course also but I would make sure I have no errors being thrown first before heading that direction.