frequency of update

I have a problem with sphere to terrain mesh collisions giving inconsistent bounces.
possibly because sphere is moving too fast ?

is there a way to make the update of my sphere ( it’s rigidbody) have more than 1 update per frame, say 5 or 10 ?

also, when colliding with the terrain mesh… I get multiple collision results for 1 impact, all with different normals… even when the mesh is flat. How is this so ? and how do I pick the correct one, so I get a proper bounce ?

help appreciated, thanks.

What you need to do is change the frequency at witch physics calculations are performed. That’s the Fixed Timestep, and you can change it in Project Settings → Time.

By default the fixed timestep is 0,02, wich means physics will be calculated 50 times per second. If you change this value to 0,01 they will be calculated 100 times per second.

Be careful because this requires a lot more processing.

thanks hector I’ll try that out tonight.

can I change it on the fly ? for performance…
so if my ball is moving fast, the physics updates faster… and if slow, the physics is also less often ?

seems like it would be nice if I could set this rate for just 1 object, but I guess that’s asking a bit too much.

any ideas about what to do with the multiple collision normals ?

Hector, awesome !!! that worked a treat.
upping the timestep from .02 to .005 worked a treat, perfect.
I’m goingt to experiment a little now to see what value I can get away with, for best performance.

I spent many evening writing my own bounce and surface reflect routines, and trying to re-write collide code and this was all I needed, hah.
thanks very much