Fresnel/Edge shader problem


I am having a weird problem with my custom fresnel shading code.

It apparently works correctly as long as in-game object doesn’t have any rotation applied to it.

Shader code:

As you can see I’m picking the view vector (as per materials on the net) with this function:

float3 direction = normalize(WorldSpaceViewDir(v.vertex));

Material Preview and expected output (Yes I am aware that having majority of work in Vertex part isn’t pixel perfect result, this is what I want):

But in-game, it only really works on objects that have not have any rotation applied to them (and even then it doesn’t appear to be perfect):

The right sphere was rotated by some 85° over Y. (To the left basically).

I have tried changing the direction code to this:

float3 direction = normalize(_WorldSpaceCameraPos - v.vertex);
				intensity = 1 / dot(direction, v.normal);

But it still produces the same result somehow. How can I obtain the actual camera->vertex vector?

Thank you!

I figured it out:

We need local space, not world space:

float3 direction = normalize(ObjSpaceViewDir (v.vertex));
				intensity = 1 / dot(direction, v.normal);

Thank you for posting the shader for us. Will this work for cubes too? And is it mobile friendly?