Hi All,
I’m new to this forum, and I haven’t tried Unity yet. I’m a long-time shockwave 3D game developer, and having browsed around the forum a bit I recognise a few old faces from the Director lists (Hi Jeff, Colin, Taumel, Tom H!).
I think I have a pretty well rounded idea of the feature set differences between unity and shockwave, particularly of the 3d engine, and I have been keeping tabs on Unity’s progress for a long time - so I don’t need to be sold on that. The reason for this post is that I’m looking to get set up and test drive Unity with a view to possibly using it for a commercial project next year, but to do this I need to find out as quick as I can about what’s going to be involved in changing our workflow to include unity.
For a brief overview of the types of work that I’m looking to use unity for, here’s a quick link to screenshots of most of my past shockwave 3d games:
I’ll start by describing how we work with Director.
Our typical games are 3d web based (shockwave). We use an embedded swf for the ‘front end’ which includes things like title screen, menu, scoreboard display, send to a friend features, and any other server-side related functions like that.
The games themselves use 3d assets exported from max in the shockwave 3d format, and on-screen overlays made in photoshop and exported as 32 bit transparent bitmaps.
I’m interested in how much things are going to have to change and what to watch out for in each of our key areas of production.
Will our 3d artists still be able to author in 3ds max in a relatively similar way? Are there any guides available that would point them to specific features (eg, types of shaders, bones-systems, etc) that they can and can’t use?
I know unity does not support the integration of swfs, - however - because shockwave does not support AS3 or the latest version of flash we have recently developed a workaround which essentially has the .swf interface and game .dcr in separate div on the web page. We can then hide and show them as appropriate. This means our flash developers can code in AS3, however we still use a tiny embedded AS2 swf in the dcr to communicate with the flash interface. So my question in this area is, is there any method at all for communication with a swf instance running in the same browser window? What are the common methods are there for producing the ‘front end’ in Unity?
I’m coming from working on windows, in the director script editor. I know, I know, it hurts. However, I have used c# in visual Studio a fair amount, and I have heard that it’s possible to use c# in visual studio with Unity - either in a virtual windows installation on a mac, or with a real PC Mac linked together with synergy2, sharing a single keyboard mouse. Or would it be best to start off using something other than visual studio, and keep it all on the Mac? Any advice about the pros and cons of these options would be great. Are there any pros and cons of chosing to use c# in unity over any of the other languages it supports (eg, are most tutorials in any particular language?, is there more complete documentation in any partiuclar language?)
Any other general advice about moving from Director to Unity would be greatly appreciated.
And finally, it would really help push the cause for unity in our company if I could lay my hands on some finished commerical web-based Unity games. Examples seem to be a bit thin on the ground!
- Ben