Hi there,
I’m making a quizz game based on various questions that show random pictures. Long story short, I come across 3 main questions that I can’t answer myself despite scrolling the web for answers:
- What sizes should my images be?
I worked all these images 512x320px with 150dpi in Photoshop. When exporting, each image is about 100k, which is a lot (I have 1200 questions so that makes at least 120mb before compression). My game will be playable at first on mobiles including the latest one.
What do you advise me the resolution can be in order to keep a quality on, let’s say, iphone 8 ?
- What ratio should my images be?
As I said, my images are landscape mode so I did my best to keep 2-factor, meaning they are 512px large. I know that Unity likes this format, but vertically they are 290 (thats a 1.7 ratio). WIll that be a problem for Unity compression mode?
- What format should I save?
Linked to the previous point, I used to put all my sprites in one big sprite when I was making 2D games. Do you advise me to put all my images in bigger sprite, import them, and then cut them in Unity in order to compress and gain weight? Is that work worth it? Or should I keep importing my images one by one as huge list of single files?
Thanks a lot for your precious answers and feedback