I tried to get the distribution build of my game I launched a few days ago on my iphone. That does not work at least to my knowledge. You can get development stuff on but not distribution. Now I fully tested my game, at least to the best I could but:
My game seems to crash (well freeze up) when I try to load level4. There are 10 levels to my game. The first three load find when you click the “Play Level” button in the intro screen before the actual level. I press “Play Button” (intro 4) and the screen freezes. Animation/Particles stop and it just hangs. I have to restart my application.
I have tested this inside the editor and when I select the “Play Level” button everything works fine for all the levels (with iPhone emulation turned on) Not sure if its full emulation or just graphics).
I need to get a fix out and I am not sure how to debug this. If someone buys my game I want them to at least be able to play through the whole thing.
One thing I could think of is maybe when I load the 4 levels all the texture mem is taken up and the previous textures didn’t get dumped? Thats just a wild guess though. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
First of all, you have one comment on your iTunes page, and it’s a good one. Unless that was you with a different profile, than that means that it worked for someone.
Now when it comes to the issue you have, you might want to PM aNTeNNa trEE and send him a link to this forum or just send him the question.
The astronaut game exited a few seconds after starting the first level for me. I tried it twice with the same results.
I assumed it was a memory issue (so maybe it’s different from what you’re talking about here). I pushed memory usage in FuguBowl with a lot more textures and sounds - it mostly ran OK when I tested, but a few times I got the 101 error in Xcode debugging, then I upgraded to Unity Pro and turned on build trimming, and it seemed small enough. But the build is still big, and some users report crashes. And after using my iPod touch for a while, even my smaller Unity apps will exit suddenly (then it’s time to reboot)
To me it seems like Unity has some kind of a memory leak. Because I can run my iphone for a week without the need to restart. but after a day of dev with 10-15 builds on the device and tests, I can not even start my fav towerdef game anymore as there is no memory anymore for it.
there definitely is something seriously strange going on with the application termination handling.
Well, I got rid of my previous Time code (using DateTime) and I deleted level4, copied level3 to level 4, made it look like the old level4 and I get through all my levels now. Yay! I am going to add a few features and submit it to itunes.
It might be an issue with the iphone itself. After the app closes, theoretically, all the memory should be returned to the system. But I notice a lot of 3d intensive apps that cause instability.