Frustram Culling

Can someone guide me through Frustram Culling and how to script it? Ive checked other posts but still am left slightly confused…

Frustrum Culling is there automatically.
You do not need to script anything related to it.

As soon as the objects bounding box is not within the view frustrum anymore, it won’t be rendered any further.

So how can I optimise my game, im trying to make it so that the objects far away are not renedered to save on processing power, although I still need my skybox to be there…

You could set the layerCullDistance.


I cant find that file on my system, can someone paste it up?

Are you sure you have Unity iPhone installed? (and into the standard folder otherwise you need to alter the first two directories)

Yep, its here:


That lists everything in there and there is nothing about culling…

Anyone? Can someone please send me it?