So, today I started developing an iPhone application. All works fine, I can play it in the “Remote”, I can then build it independently with XCode and install/play it on the iPodTouch.
BUT, I’m having absolutely no luck uploading it to the App Store, getting the message “The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate.” The iPhone Development forum has lots of references to this but I’ve not had any luck with the results.
codesign -vvvv ~/
/Users/pbourke/ valid on disk
/Users/pbourke/ satisfies its Designated Requirement
I do note that Icon.png and Default.png are different sizes in the application contents and I can’t open them. Is this usual?
After “farting around” (technical term) the App Store finally accepted it and now in review. The problem is I don’t know what I did different or what I did to fix it. BTW: I hate magic!
And I suspect there is still an issue with the Icon and Preview files which the Finder tells me are of 0 size inside the Application contents.
What version of the sdk are you using? (not necessarily the one you are building in)
Back when I was still using the 2.0 sdk version of xcode, I would run into similar problems. For some reason I would have to build the app 3 or 5 times before it would ‘magically’ get accepted. I wouldn’t actually do anything different, I’d just build, submit. If it was rejected as invalid, I’d delete the binary and build again. Eventually it would work.
However, since the latest version of the sdk, things have been working much smoother.
The Icon.png is in fact OK, but whatever variant of png is used, Preview and PhotoShop don’t want know about it and display that question mark. Graphic Converter can view it OK.
The reason my upload to the App store was rejected was that the Icon.png didn’t look the same as the large icon they request as part of the meta data, they think it might “confuse the users”. I’ve replaced the Icon.png in the Xcode project and
I’m uploading it again so we’ll see…
Also checked
codesign -vvvv ~/
/Users/pbourke/ valid on disk
/Users/pbourke/ satisfies its Designated Requirement
You can always replace it with your own icon. Submitting an app with the default Unity icon will lead to problems if a lot of people do it, then everyone will have the same icon.
Accepted … for others new to this the take home messages are
You MUST create your own Icon.png if you want to upload to the App Store, otherwise they will reject something that has a large icon image (as supplied through meta data) that is different to the default Unity Icon.png.
The Icon.png replacement needs to be done at the XCode stage, manually or with the various scripts I’ve seen. Personally I found it easy enough to do manually. For testing on a local device I can live with the default icon, it’s only for uploading (a less common event) that the Icon needs replacing.