Fuel Run - Space exploration and mining game with a chase element (free on Itch)

Fuel Run Is a fun, relaxing game. It started out being a 3d version of the classic Atari Asteroids game, but I built more gameplay and story into it. I ended up adding a fun difficulty system where you can advance in the difficulty of 10 different aspects of the game, each from 1-10 so you end up having a difficulty scale from 1-100. There is also a chase element, so while you drift around the asteroids trying to mine fuel, the clock is ticking as your mother ship is being pursued by galactic law enforcement. It is free on itch, with a pay what you want option.

In the game, you are the refueling ship for an illegal smuggler named Helado. Helado is being pursued by BT Justice and has a 100 light year headstart. As Helado attempts his 1000 lightyear trip to the planet Giorgia, you enter nearby asteroid belts and mine fuel along the way. You are limited to asteroid belts near Helado’s current location, and each asteroid belt has a unique appearance and stats ( asteroid density, fuel available and police patrols). Helado’s speed is determined by how much fuel he has in his tanks, so the faster you finish a fuel run, the faster he goes. BT Justice moves at a constant in pursuit. You can get drops by destroying police ships, which make your trip easier. There are ten different drops, and each drop has a rating of 1-10. When you complete the journey, you can start again with your upgraded ship and try a higher difficulty. Each fuel run takes 3 minutes or so and the entire game takes about 30-45 minutes.

Looks cool!