FuguTilt on iPhone

My first app on the App Store (maybe the first Unity freebie app?)


I wish the tilt was absolute - and not cumulative, and a score and objectives or something would be nice, but at least you made it on. :slight_smile:

Thanks, I rushed this one on so I could get familiar with all the steps (and hey, it’s free), but it shows how fast you can get something going.

Took me about a week to submit it after buying Unity iPhone - one day to convert the regular Unity project over (mostly just stripping out everything that wasn’t going to immediately work and reimporting textures) and one day to get the tilt working (the original mouse-tilt was absolute, and I think you’re right, that was better, plus it had a little spin control - but I’m not sure how to get absolute tilt position from the accelerometer).

straight accelerometer data is absolute position. Its really jumpy to do something as an absolute position, so instead you should take the average of the last 10 or so samplings of the input.

Oh, right, I got confused. Now I remember checking iPhoneInput.acceleration with some OnGUI tracing and seeing the values ranged from -1.0 to 1.0. So iPhoneInput.acceleration is really orientation?

why it loads so long? there are only 3 balls and a plane

It’s a minimal Unity iPhone app, so it shouldn’t take any longer to load than any other game created with Unity, which I hear on other threads is typically around 5s.

The balls are dynamically spawned, so it’s just loading the skybox, the sun light and flare, the plane, the prefabs for the two different balls, and a few scripts. The uncompressed size of the app is 1MB or so over the size of an empty Unity project, which is around 20MB. When I upgrade to Unity iPhone Pro, I may be able to strip out some parts of the main engine.

Free game?! I like,But,if Free iphone…hahaha