Hello and welcome to the forum for the Full Sci-Fi UI. Feel free to drop us any comments or suggestions and we will reply as soon as we can.
Web Demo:
http://www.laireongames.co.uk/Unity/Sci Fi UI/Update/
Asset Store Link:
Simple Transitions Documentation:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29289192/Simple Transitions Documentation.pdf
A customer has requested a scene linking the HUD and Main UI (This is now implemented as part of the package). In the mean time here is a tutorial on implementing this for anyone interested:
Another customer has asked for a quick tutorial for how to link the play button with a new scene. Uploaded one here:
These are the supporting files to the tutorial:
Script: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29289192/Sci Fi UI/LoadScene.cs
Text: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29289192/Sci Fi UI/Text for Load Scene Tutorial.txt
Source Images (Both .tga and .psd included):
- FAQ *
Do the transitions respect time scale, what will happen if I pause the game?
By defualt the UI will ignore timescale and run whilst your game is paused. This is controllable by editing the runWhilstPaused variable on the TransitionalObjects. (Currently this is not exposed in the custom inspector but will be back in an update. If you switch the inspector to debug mode you can still edit the variable)
How do I change the messages at the top?
That element is called the news ticker. If you find it in the scene (Canvas/Main Menu/News Ticker) there should be a variable called āNews Itemsā with a list of messages you can edit.
I have made a new screen, how do I link it to the main menu?
To do this I recommend taking a look at how existing screens have been setup. What you are essentially doing, in a rough list, is:
Make a new button and have it:
Hide the main menu or open the shutters to fade it out
Show your new menu
Both these tasks are done by interacting with Transitional Objects. These objects are a custom animation tool that typically affects all children of the class. E.G a transitional object on the Options Screen will affect all images in the Options Screen. So to show a screen you typically call mainTransition.TriggerTransition();
Take a look at OptionsScreen.cs and the Show or Close methods for a simple example.
I have tried to move the buttons but they open in the same place. Why is this?
This is because of their animations. If you click the button in question and find a script called StateBasedTransition you should see options to control where the button is positioned during each of its states (E.G whilst the UI is opened, closed or minimised). Make sure to update these so the button is where you would expect during each state.
Can I request a new screen like X but with extra elements Y?
This asset was originally commissioned for a now abandoned project by a company called Ironbelly Studios. Although I have converted and maintain the package for the asset store I am not the original artist so I would recommend contacting them for additional screens.
Website: http://ironbellystudios.com/