Full-screen background - issues with transparent objects


I’m trying to render a background image by rendering a full-screen quad (-1;-1 to 1;1). To get going, I currently use a simple shader that simply returns red. I set the Queue to Background, ZWrite off and return a depth of 1 so the quad is lying behind everything else. This is working for opaque objects, but not for transparent ones. In the image below there a few sphere using an “ordinary” geometry shader and two transparent objects (dragon and plane) with a transparent shader.

I’m probably missing a step/configuration, but which one?

2627717--184660--Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 09.48.43.png

I’m guessing the Background queue value is incorrect. Try something like Geometry+10 instead. It should be rendered in between Geometry and Transparent.

Thanks, but that didn’t help. And it’s not because of the Unity bug that changing the queue doesn’t affect existing materials - I create the material in script and assign my shader.

Btw, why do you think it should be rendered between Geometry and Transparent? Being a background image, shouldn’t it be rendered first?

And just in case: This is on OSX 10.11 using Unity 5.4b16

Because that would be a waste of performance/fillrate. Pixels of the background can be skipped where opaque pixels are drawn. As a general rule, opaque is front to back, transparent is back to front.

Can you post your shader?

Ah, very true, I didn’t think about that. I will probably still have to draw every pixel - this will become a shader doing atmospheric scattering, and I need data for every pixel even if it’s not drawn. Still, thanks for the hint.

Here’s my (simple get-going) shader (here again using the Background queue):

Shader "MyShader/GetGoing" {
    SubShader {
        Tags {
            "Queue" = "Background"
        Pass {
            ZWrite Off
            #pragma vertex vert
            #pragma fragment frag
            #include "UnityCG.cginc"

            // Use shader model 3.0 target, to get nicer looking lighting
            #pragma target 3.0
            struct vertInput {
                float4 pos : POSITION;
                float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
            struct vertOutput {
                float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
                float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
            vertOutput vert (vertInput v)
                vertOutput o;
                o.pos = v.pos;
                #if !UNITY_UV_STARTS_AT_TOP
                    o.pos.y *= -1;
                o.texcoord = v.texcoord;
                return o;

            void frag(vertOutput i, out float4 col:COLOR, out float depth:smile:EPTH)
                col = float4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
                depth = 1.0;
    FallBack Off

Well, considering that the transparent parts probably also don’t do a ZWrite, the draw order of the transparent parts and the background determines the final outcome. I see nothing special about the shader (just wanted to check whether it had any blending enabled), so I can only come to the conclusion that the background is drawn after the transparent parts, which is simply not the correct order.

I also suspect this bug is coming into play: