I started to import video sequences to unity. I like this feature very much!
But there are some open questions to me:
Is there any way to put a fullscreen movie in the GUI to make a startup introduction.
Another problem i have is to get movie Textures on Objects sync. with the sound.
the problems with apha channels in movies was discussed before, and unity uses only the rgb (yuv) values. Is there a chance to sync. two movie textures, one for rgb and one (grayscale) for alpha?
Yes. Apply your movie texture to a Label, Group, DrawTexture whatever, just make that object cover the whole screen.
More details?
I sense that it will be difficult to keep two separate videos in tight synch, maybe you get one movie texture then manipulate that as needed into two textures so you’re always dealing with the same image.
What compression, what size, what hardware?
Perhaps your system is just too weak to playback the movie in which case you commonly get syncronization issues.
Perfect… i had the GUI problem beacuse i used renderer.material.mainTexture.Play ();
and this makes no sense. now i found the MovieTexture.Play and it works.
I have a plane with a movie texture and the movie audio source attached to the plane. when i hit play the movie and sound start at the same time, but the movie plays slower than the sound.
what i could do is make a movie in AfterEffects which has the upper half of it used for the movie conten, and the lower half with the alpha content. Now the question is: how can i cut this movie in two pieces and attach them to separate textures?
2: Ok, the sync Problem is a question of performace. I put the GUI movie in and let it play together with the movie on the plane. The GUI movie is faster (because less render power needed)