Fullscreen resolution issue

Right now I’m using 4.6 build 21. I have been having an issue when I build my game in windows, and play it in fullscreen mode. If I play the game using 1280x800 resolution everything looks fine, but if I use any other resolution everything looks skewed, Including the unity logo when the game starts.

Everything looks fine when I play the game in the editor, and if I play the game in windowed mode. It only seems to be messed up in fullscreen mode. I have been noticing this problem ever since 4.6 beta. Everything seemed fine in pre 4.6. I’ve tried messing around with the Canvas Renderer/Canvas Scaler, but nothing I do seems to fix this problem.

Here is what it looks like with the skewed resolution

Here is what it should look like

Thanks alot,
Chris Johnson

Please file a bug.

I’d be very surprised if this is a bug in 4.6 and not also in one of the 4.5.x releases, since we haven’t done any changes to fullscreen mode in 4.6 as far as I’m aware, but we’ll need to have our QA look at it. It should of course be fixed in any case.

If you can post the bug case number here, I can try to see if I can get this bug report fast-tracked.

Thanks alot, I filed a bug report. It’s Case 641698