Fully black texture with Directional Light

Hello, I have light problems in my Unity 2022.3.21f1f URP project. I have Directional light (sun) in my scene, and few spotlights (realtime). Issues are

  1. If I bake directional light (not matter how intense I set it) it does not work (scene is completely black, there is some light coming from spotlights only, that realtime). If I set Sun to be realtime, then it’s work, but only after cleaning cache or after baking.
  2. If I keep Directional light to be realtime, in Playmode I have visual artifacts, some walls blinking from completely black to color (see video).

What I found, and what I tried, I tried

  1. Baking with GPU and CPU and with third party plugin Bakery

  2. Changing Max. Lightmap resolution from 1K to 4K

  3. Changing Lightmap resolution for affected walls, keep it 1 right now.

  4. Changing Pack Margin for those walls

  5. Changing Intensity of Directional Light

  6. Changing Color of Directional Light

  7. Changing Environment Lighting from Skybox to Color

  8. Changing Intensity Multiplier for Skybox in Environment Lighting, btw it does not do much, but I can see effect if I change intensity of Directional Light directly.

What I found

  1. If I switch if Directional Light, issue with blinking textures is gone, but then I don’t have a Sun in the scene…
  2. Rotating Directional Light does not do much, even if wall is well lited, it blink.

Does the scene contain any lightmaps after you press the Generate Lighting button? Check the Baked Lightmaps tab of the Lighting Window

I actually fixed the issue, because I’ve seen this issue somewhere else, I think right thing to do is to leave solution here. Problem is that I had another directional light in the scene, and it creates conflicts with shadows, removing one light solved the problem.