function input

not sure where i should post this or100% how everything should be said.

i just want to make a randomize function that other functions can use that passes something into the function.

	    void SpawnAi()
				temp = spawners.GetComponent<SpawnEnemy>().SpawnRandomEnemy(); // Spawn a random enemy on the map
				randomizer(temp);							////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

			if(GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 395, Screen.height - 105, 75,75),kill)) // If this button is pressed
				temp = Destroy(FindNearestEnemy()); // Destroy game object, this call has a return of a game object, either found or null

	void randomizer(gameObject temp){					////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			int randNo = Random.Range(0,10);			////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			Debug.Log("randNo: "+ randNo);				////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			for(int i = 0; i < randNo; i++){			////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
				temp;									////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
			}											////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	}													////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

not sure what should go in the gameObject place?

im more javascript and dont need to use types to do things.

First thing I noticed is in your randomizer method. **gameObject ** with small g is not a type, is a property. Types start with capitals so it should be:

void randomizer(GameObject temp)
      int randNo = Random.Range(0, 10);
      Debug.Log("randNo: " + randNo);
      for (int i = 0; i < randNo; i++)
           temp;   // This command can't do anything by itself 

But what are you trying to accomplish within the for loop?

Another option is to use Generic methods, but something tells me this is not what you’re looking for here.

if(GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 395, Screen.height - 105, 75,75),kill))
Destroy(FindNearestEnemy()); // i want to call this a random number of times

void SpawnAi()
		spawners.GetComponent<SpawnEnemy>().SpawnRandomEnemy();// i want to call this random number of times.						

i was hoping to make a function that i can pass anything into it and it runs a random number of times.
i can easily do it like this

if(GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width - 395, Screen.height - 105, 75,75),kill))
{for(int i = 0; i < randNo; i++){
	Destroy(FindNearestEnemy()); // i want to call this a random number of times	}						

void SpawnAi()
	{	for(int i = 0; i < randNo; i++){
		spawners.GetComponent<SpawnEnemy>().SpawnRandomEnemy();// i want to call this random number of times.	}					