Funnel dropoff does not seem to match audience

I have an audience with the following settings

I apply that audience to a funnel that checks for the newPlayer and tutorialStart events

I have 64% dropoff. Considering newPlayer is a Unity event that should happen automatically on first launch, and therefore the tutorialStart would be sent after that. Dropoff should be 0% from my understanding as the audience is requiring both newPlayer and tutorialStart.

@emrys90 You typically don’t want to use an event like new user to start a funnel. And you have new player count, probably not what you want. Just start straight away with your first tutorial step. However 64% drop off seems about right, most users may not go through your tutorial. Keep in mind that such steps must be in exact numerical order. That is, users can’t skip steps or redo steps.

Audience only lets you do count. Since a new player would receive the newPlayer event, their count for it would be at least 1. Also if you look at the audience, I set starting the tutorial as a requirement for it as well. Therefore, it should be 0% dropoff because the audience is both new players and players that started the tutorial. And newPlayer should be before any other events, if its not I would say that’s a bug with the Unity SDK for Analytics

i am experiencing this as well. for me, i start the funnel with new player event and on the second funnel i set the first tutorial load. and i am experiencing drop off right after the new player. its also impossible for player to not send the first tutorial event as the event sent on the scene load. how can anyone with lightning speed quit the game right after sending new player and before sending my tutorial event.

Hey @IllogicalGames ,
Thanks for posting on the forums.
Could you send in a DM a link to your funnel so I can further explore the issue?

thanks @SebT_Unity i have sent you a DM.

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