Fuse/Mixamo Animation Problem

Hey! So I have created a model in fuse, rigged it in mixamo and added it to unity to use as my player but im having trouble animating it. Ive made it controle so you can use it to play (Im using a mesh for the player but am using the fps controller to control it) Im not sure what im doing wrong but it just wont animate! Do I need to get the actual model and turn that into the model? Any help would be great, thanks!

Your question is too broad and does not detail enough what the issue is.
Consider looking at the animation learn section. From your info it seems you don’t understand some of the basic concepts of characters, rigs and character controllers. I think you will find the information you need there.

I just found an issue in Unity. When i kept the T-Pose Model (Skinned) in a folder and the animation of it in another folder then the Animations turn out to misbehave. Like Legs twitching or parts of body going down. When I brought the T-Pose and other animations together in one folder and updated the reference in Rig of T-Pose then all became normal.


virgilcwyile Thank You!!!

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The Best answer is that you use them as mecnaim not as humanoid