I’ve finally gotten around to posting this topic for our game dev.
First, an introduction: We at Syel-Group are a small team of free time game developers with big goals. We are currently in the design, planning, and pre production stage of our first game [Name yet to be determined, suggestions welcome]. Our team consists of five continuous members, and a couple of project by project members:
Alex: Graphic Designer/3D artist from Holland, currently working for Grafipoint, a graphic design company that does vehicles, signs, and websites (Grafipoint)
Jasper: Composer/modeler/texturer/rigger/animator from Northern California, currently freelancing for us. (site)
Gray: Concept artist/Co-project lead/3D artist from Marin, California. Co-Founded Syel with me a year ago. Site
Me (Dakota): Concept artist/Unity Developer/3D artist/level designer from Marin, California. Co-Founded Syel with Gray a year ago.
Gabe: Programmer/(soon to be determined Unity developer) from Marin, California. I’ve known him since I lived in L.A. years and years ago.
Colin: 3D Artist/storyboard from Lutherville, Maryland. Currently finishing college. He models our weapons. )Site
Jonathan: Concept artist/storyboard from Marin, California.
(Plot removed, and out of mind, to keep us from getting distracted from gameplay. Can now be found on our website, to be updated.)
Here’s some concept sketches (I’ll be updating this a lot, UPDATED, UPDATED, UPDATED):
Here’s the In game H.U.D concept:
Here’s the character Hardsuit sketch:
Here’s the CATT (Compact Armed Tactical Transport) sketches:
Idea quickly rendered in SketchUp. To be finalized in Blender.
The CATT is our game’s Warthog equivalent. There are three versions: one with mounted machine gun, one transport (shown), and one pickup truck type (with a pickup truck type bed in the back, instead of being covered). High speed, high maneuverability, and large obstacle crossing abilities were the driving factor behind the use of independently sprung tracks.
The suit is a little weird shaped because it was based on a really lame human figure. We also have sketches for a couple of vehicles (the ATT (Armed Tactical Transport) and the CATT (Compact Armed Tactical Transport), and are working on getting the 5,000 foot long interstellar hyperspace jumpship laid out (it’s a refitted tin can transport vessel).
Terrain Pre Alpha demo available! [Click to play!]
I hope to get more information, pictures of models, and sketches available to you soon!
Check out our Blog for more updates on Plot, music, and design! Blog