Welcome to Gaia, the terrain and scene generation system for Unity.
Gaia enables rapid and precise creation of gorgeous looking Unity environments in just minutes - so that you can focus on the game play that surprises and delights you and your customers!
Gaia is artist and developer friendly, precise, and fast - and you wont need to be a fractal genius to get gorgeous results! It’s different to all the other terrain systems out there because it combines the best of manual and procedural systems to allow you to design your environments in a way that intuitively just works. Most people are amazed at what they can create in minutes - and with a little application you can do stunning things. Alternatively you can just auto generate every thing
Check out how Crowfall are blending the talent of the artist with the procedural capability of Gaia to create environments that are simply stunning:
This video by Crowfall makes extensive use of Gaia, GeNa, CTS and Pegasus:
And we are honored to have Jon O’Neal, Lead Environmental Artist from Crowfall talk about his experience crowdfunding Crowfall, and his experience with Procedural Worlds tool set
And Shroud Of The Avatar is doing amazing things as well:
Gaia is more than just a tool, it’s also a community! This forum is very active and my goal is to make it a friendly place where people come to learn and share their creativity as much as to solve problems. The forum’s motto is ‘if we didn’t see it then it didn’t happen!’. So much so that in the 1.5 release we even including a screen shot system to make it easy for you to generate those screenies!! It’s a great place to share and learn!
Speaking of screenies - check out the #madewithgaia twitter hashtag to get a sample of what people are doing with Gaia!
Forum - A forum and knowledge repository specific to Gaia
Tutorials - A whole ton bunch of tutorials - don’t forget your Quick Start guide
Free & Cool Assets - 180 + categorized free assets to add value to your game
Discord - Connect and have a chat
- January 2022 - Canopy Launches - our new community and support system
- April 18th 2021- Gaia 2021 Launches - lightweight version of Gaia Pro 2021
- April 16th 2021 - Gaia Pro 2021 Launches - streaming, photogrammetry assets
- Oct 13th, 2019 - Gaia Pro Launches
- April 14th 2020 - Gaia 2 Launches - multi tile, gpu acceleration and much more!
. Gaia 1 > Gaia 2 - FREE update - April 14th 2020 - Gaia Pro 2.2 update launches - massive worlds, time of day +++
- October 13th 2019 - Gaia Pro launches - multi tile, gpu acceleration and much more!
- May 5th 2018 - Gaia 1.7 launches - terraces, erosion, more content, u2018 and more.
- January 23rd 2018 - Gaia achieves 900 ratings with an average of 5 stars - incredible!
- September 30th 2017 - Gaia achieves 800 ratings with average 5 stars - thank you
- September 13th 2017 - CTS nominated as finalist in the “Best Tool” category in 2017 Unity Awards
- September 12th 2017 - Gaia achieves 250 written reviews - amazing!
- June 25th 2017 - Launched CTS - The Complete Terrain Shader to match Gaia!
- June 11th 2017 - Gaia achieves 700 reviews with an average 5 star rating!
- May 16th 2017 - Crowfall reveal - extensive use of Gaia, GeNa, Pegasus and CTS!
- March 8th 2017 - Gaia achieves 600 reviews with an average 5 star rating! Still Wow!
- January 25th 2017 - Gaia achieves 555 reviews with an average 5 star rating! Wow!
- November 27th 2016 - Gaia achieves 500 reviews with an average 5 star rating!
- October 31st 2016 - Spoke about Asset Store development at Unite in Australia
- October 30th 2016 - Released Gena - the perfect accompaniment to Gaia
- September 8th 2016 - 450 5 star reviews, 151 written reviews - thank you so much!
- August 31st 2016 - Another nice review of Gaia from Nuclear Fiction
- August 17th 2016 - Lovely review from IGD Sunshine Magazine
- June 27th 2016 - Crowfall show off Gaia in their pipeline - 01:13:00 & 09:20:00
- May 20th 2016 - 350 reviews with an average 5 star rating - in just 7 months!!
- April 27th 2016 - A video from Crowfall showing Gaia in use
- April 9th 2016 - Made the Gaia slack group live - PM me to get acces
- April 4th 2016 - 80.lv promote new Gaia Starter Pack from SpeedTree
- March 31st 2016 - 300 Five star reviews and 114 written reviews - wow!
- March 20th 2016 - Gaia is first non SpeedTree asset on SpeedTree store
- March 16th 2016 - See us on the Unity stand at GDC
- March 15th 2016 - Gaia unboxing on 80.lv
- March 6th 2016 - Interview with John Rossitter on the Cinema Suite blog
- Feb 24th 2016 - 200 Five star ratings and 79 written reviews milestone
- Feb 22nd 2016 - Version 1.5 released
- Feb 9th 2016 - Unity Blog - Launching a successful product on the asset store
- Feb 9th 2016 - Facebook - Full text of my product launch tips
- Oct 29th 2015 - Version 1 live (record time)
- Oct 27th 2015 - Version 1 submitted
Typical work flow:
- Create your terrain
- Stamp your terrain features with a few clicks
- Procedurally texture, detail, plant and populate your terrain with another click
- Add your wind, water, player and screen shotter with another click
- Add your lighting and camera fx - one more click
- Press play!!
Total time from zero to gorgeous - 10 minutes… no really!!
- Vanilla Unity terrain support - compatible with everything that uses a standard unity terrain
- Terraforming system - the world is malleable putty, stamp any shape you want
- Processing system - erosion, terracing, masking, noise and filtering - unlimited expansion
- Procedural texturing, detailing, tree and game object spawning and placement system
- Point Of Interest spawning - spawn towns, villages, cemeteries etc with just a few clicks
- Scanning system - add as many new terrain stamps as you want
- Extension system - leverage your favorite assets with just a few clicks
- Session system - record every step, remove steps, backup and share and playback entire scenes with one small file
- Utilities - light and camera, export, import
Intuitive Terra-forming / Stamping system:
- Terrain creation, import, add or subtract details and features
- Precise feature placement and control - treat your terrain features like any 3d object!
- Additive feature generation and placement e.g. mountains, mesa’s, hills, rocks, city bases
- Mix and blended features together - mixing and matching, with unlimited possibilities
- Stenciled feature generation - imprinting one feature onto another
- Subtractive feature generation – scoop out lakes, waterfalls, craters
- Take your existing environments and detail to spice them up
- Huge range of pre-configured templates from mountains, mesa’s, hills, plains, islands, valleys, rivers and rocks - mix and match them into unlimited possibilities - 150 stamps included!
- Mask your stamps with images and noise to further refine how they get applied
Procedural Spawning system:
- Texturing - height, slope, texture, proximity, noise and mask based
- Detail placement (grass) - height, slope, texture, proximity, noise and mask based
- Tree placement - height, slope, texture, proximity, noise and mask based
- Game object placement - height, slope, texture, proximity, noise and mask based
- Point Of Interest placement - relative placement of groups of prefabs in scene
- Extensible - run time, real time or in editor, instance control, shape, mask and trigger options
Example Point Of Interest spawning - spawn towns, villages, cemeteries, unusual features in a few clicks - all placed in the right locations and conforming nicely to the terrain. Also supports stackable extensions - used above to re-texture under the spawned POI, and to change the grass characteristics.
NOTE: Unity forums regularly delete my images. For more images, videos and and up to date development progress please drop by Redirecting...