Game about Heaven, Hell - Early Progress

I added an animation and, have got some starting characters - -

I can also program a character simple movement and, my character moves to joystick, I have Logitech PC pad, and it just works, right away

I am open to ideas and, what you like, it’s about how the Danish people went to Hell, emotionally, after invading Iraq, for no reason, we all fried in Hell, for that, Not cool - -

I also made a 3D character, with really nice edge loops, that I can animate in Blender . .

Thanks, for your support and, kindness - -

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Do you have a story line?

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Hmm, I’m working on it, the idea there’s a crisis on Earth, somehow demons and, purgatory-angels ( Nephilim ) have emerged on Earth and, started Killing people - - the Monk goes to Hell, to find Answers, why they are so Angry and, Pissed off - - (not drunk

Another idea is, the monk prays and, wants to do good things, amazing things for god so, he asks in prayer, can I go to Hell, to see it and, describe it, so others will want to avoid it, go to heaven, so the goal is to see Hell and, Relay his experiences to Humanity, So they’ll Be nice, More good - - What do you think, Could it be better Or, Improved - -

hm… sounds fine, how about a priest is doing every thing he can in the name of god so in return god decides to show him his fate, his fate is to burn in hell and blah blah for something he did in his 20’s, let’s say he killed a man for a girl he liked, Once he learns that he tries to do more good by helping other people which pisses of the underworld people, then they strike at him but keeps doing what he thinks is good but in the process he decides that enough is enough “If I’m going in hell, I’ll go as the king” from there he would become the villain of your story.

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Now that the priest is officially a badass he enters the world of demons, to see what resides in it, there he learns the girl he was in love with was actually another badass demon and the demons makes other people fight over itself just for the fun in it, Now the priest must get his revenge from the demons for nothing more than personal satisfaction.

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You know, I like the idea of a main character with a murky past, some bad decisions, they are usually more interesting and, rounded than ’ Real ’ heroes, they are boringly virtuous and, a Bit un-realistic . . Your story is kind of neat and, has a good arc . . I Really Like it . . So, the girl he gets in a fight over, was a demon and, ’ set it ’ up, for his fall, so he’d end in Hell And, death . . that’s a nice twist, to the story, I like it . .

But, what about a priest, who was involved in some murders, as a gang-member and, later finds religion and, starts to repent, mend his ways, if he can . . Maybe, if he cleans his past, by killing demons for God, in time he will finally be let into Heaven, that’s his path, to Redemption - -

perhaps, if he’s lucky, he meets a young nun, who also repents, on his behalf or, perhaps his girl-friend from his gang-member days find religion, with his, and despite all the odds and, Pain, They reach Heaven - - Could it be Done, Is It even Possible ? So, him and, his girl-friend who has become a nun, become a team, of Demon-hunters, like Devil May cry, to Atone for Their sins, in Their youth And, ignorance, Their folly - -

For each arch-demon they stop or, apprehend, they atone for one murder, in their youth, for God - -

man, you have some great ideas, it could work, I think - - Or, what if the girl he killed over was really an angel, trapped in a earthly body, as penance for a sin, in Heaven and, she saves him and, also herself, by doing Justice and, Doing Works, of generosity, They Give charity - - The Money they take from the demon’s they fight, they give to charity And, the church - - So, they Finally Receive redemption And, Can have Each other, On Earth And, In heaven, As partners - -

A long hard road, of penance, fighting demons and, Giving to Charity, to Atone for their sins And, Escape Hell - - Is It possible - - Some-one should make That game, Tell A positive Story Or, so - -

Those are some great ideas, for a game, I really like battered, morally broken characters more, their Struggles are More relatable and, Profound - - Man, it’s a great idea for the start of a game, a young man and, woman are in a criminal gang, like a bad one, Hell’s Angels Or, the Bloods and, they are involved in a killing, perhaps a Gang-related execution but, they have religion and, they Use it to find their way back, to Heaven . . So, they ask God what to do and, he encourages them to become Demon hunters, that Savagely and, intently hunt demons, that walk the Earth, in Human disguise, to Tempt and, Lead man into Ignorance And, cruelty - - They Also have to Give the Money, they take from the dead demons and, it’s followers, both demon and, human and, Give to Charity, To Atone for Their sins, When young - -

In the end, their reward is, they get each other and, Have love - - It would be a kick-ass game, With Solid characters And, motives, and a Chance to Explore, what the Demonic means, In this day and age and, make some out-standing dramatic lines and, texts, for The play - -

Maybe they have to Kill one demon, for each Murder they were a part of and, his gang, of demon-followers and, human supporters, to avoid going to Hell and, Facing annihilation - - A Hard road but, They could do it, Using Prayer and, Holy relics to Get super-human powers And, Defeat evil, Earn their Freedom And, love . . The Right way, the Lasting way . . God’s way, In Heaven - -

As a penance, God could impose they not Have each other, Or Love, until They have Atoned, by Killing Demons and, Giving to Charity - -

what do you, Could It be Done, Is it Possible ? Let Me know

You know, I immediately think of two characters, like from movie ’ Van Helsing ', do you remember, with characters with a similar but, more modern and, a bit more Matrix looking style and, fabrics - - Off Demon-hunting, to atone for being part of a gang-related murder, in their youth, resulting for a battle over turfs and, Drug influence - - Maybe they were part of killing 12 - 13 people, from the other gang, under a Gang - war Or, Conflict - - When they return home, a demon is waiting for them, telling them they will go to Hell, unless they repent - - He Talks for a few minutes, then disappears and, the two go on a Journey, of repentance And, Prayer, that leads them into Demon killing And, given the Money they find, On the Demons, To the Church And, other penances - - In the end, They are Finally free, of the debt of their youth and, God Smiles on them And, Their union in Marriage And, heaven - -

Who says Sins can’t be atoned for And, Made better - - One Could make a Game, about That - - Where they are Fighting, To Go back to Heaven And, Love and, To Stop demons, For good - -

What do you, Could It work, Be Nice story - - Do you have some ideas, For A game, One could make with ones Girl-friend, if she was a gamer, lol lol Unity is easy, Just Need a Cheap mo-cap suit And, You Just need youtube And, some patience, Some time . …

Man, you have some Good ideas, Never Lose hope - -

Do you have some ideas for Demons Or, the Main characters, What do you Think they Should be A, Look like, Maybe Find some images of Famous people, That Are close, For EARLY, Very early concepts And, Ideas - -

It could be cool if they had two companions, a Demon And, an angel, that are small like small parrots, 15 cm tall or, So that Follow them and, They can Access Demon powers and, Angel powers To defeat their enemies but, have to be careful Not to use Evil, so They become evil themselves, So They learn When it is Acceptable to Use evil, To Prevent a Greater evil And, When it’s ’ Not so ’ Good Ha ha It’s cool - -

Now, it could be cool if it was a Demon, that Actually Set up That execution And, Lured them into an Ambush, for Hell, to Claim their Souls and, Satan had the intention to Damn them, to Eternal hell, for This deed, When young - - But, because they have a Religious background, They Turn to God and, he sends Help, to save them, in the end - - lol lol What could the Characters look like, should they be white, hispanic, black or, asian perhaps - - I don’t know, it could be any-body, looking to Redeem them-selves, Of Terrible mistakes, In Their youth And, folly, sometimes the Road back to Heaven is Hard But, So Worth it, In end - -

What do you think of the story, could It work, If Done well - -

Hmm, if you want, I made a really good 3D model, it’s about 5000 point right now and, more detail can be added, easily - -

Here’s some pictures, all lines flow perfectly, Start to, finish - -

Link, to drop-box - → Male - Good Retopology - Final.blend?dl=0

With really good 3D retopology, we could make Cool demon - hunter And, Killer characters, instead of a Damnation story, why Not a Redemption And, Peace story, For god - -

Even if the Path, of Penance is Hard, It’s not Impossible, At all - -

I Think redemption is possible for any-one, maybe the last Demon they hunt, is the One that lured them into Killing those gang-members, in their youth, and when they finally realize what he’s done, Damned them To hell, They Want revenge - -

you know, I had this idea that, there were two kinds of angels, that sinner against God, with Lucifer - - Half of them became demons, in Hell and, the others Nephilim, in Purgatory, these pictures explain it, what if the game had not one but, two kinds of fallen angels, demons And, nephilim and, the demons committed sins of commission or, action and, nephilim did sins, of inaction or, omission - - The pictures explain - -

So, there are two principal types of demons, fleshy hell-demons and, stone-purgatory nephilim - - Maybe it’s not important but, we should also talk about what kinds of demons, like we need the main characters but, also big demon types, what do you think are the closest thing we have got, to Human demons, In the World, We live in, Today, Out there - -

Once we have the ideas, we can start making them, as best we can, in Blender maybe and, import into unity and, start animating them, telling stories with them And, About them - - We Need early concepts and, a sort of over-arcing plan, so we know when we’re done, have told the story we want, to tell, If possible . …

You know, we need to start making drawings on paper, with a pen, start making sketches, then take a picture with a phone and, start sharing ideas and, Concepts - - Soon, we’ll have a game, maybe only the first level, at first, But Who cares - -

Once we have a story, and the characters, we just need to decide the settings and, we can start building the game, we can even start making short youtube video animations, to practice story-telling and, so on as we learn the engine and, Get better . . Then we’ll know exactly what we need, from the engine and, Can help each Other get there, Make it - –

It’s an interesting thing, maybe one Demon could be a corrupt politician, one an arms-dealer, one a dope-dealer and, one a crooked, sin-ful casino-owner who, Deals in prostitution And, whoring - -

Sorry for the late response, All of the stories you mentioned are great, there’s one thing that’s bugging me is despite being great they’re generic, you can find a load of games online with the same tone to it.
People are more attracted towards a story in which a character they see go good from evil like in the walking dead people praised rick grimes even tho he was an ashle in the series(I like him too), In warcraft 3 you have arthas, he developed from being a hero to one of the most powerful villains out there.
Getting back to your story, if the priest hasn’t done enough to get himself in hell but will go regardless people would like to know what will he do, will he lay down without doing anything for himself, will he try his best to get in heaven, will he go rouge going mad.
What I would prefer to see is priest trying his best to get back in heaven and in the process making more mistakes and ultimately starts to realize that there is nothing he can do and becomes a bad ass villain,
What you like to me share the story in full depth?

Sure, Tell me - -

Since a couple of days a priest devoted to god visions himself in hell for something he did is his 20’s, Regardless of the visions he sees he think of them as nothing but bad dreams but the idea of him in hell still haunts him driving him mad, On his way back from the church two thugs start to gank up on him, while resisting (afraid) he pushes one of them and thug hits his head on the ground so hard it made it bleed from his head, Upon seeing the horrific event the other thug tends to his fallen comrade giving the priest the chance to run away, the thug then returns back to his gang where they all decide to smash up the church.
The other day the bad the thugs came barging in church and threatens every one else if the priest doesn’t give him self up, With no options left the priest picks up his pistol which he had in the church for such events, with the pistol aimed at the thug who was looking like the gang’s leader the priest(scared) says, leave peacefully or you will leave me no choice,
The leader(supposedly) laughs and tells the priest to shoot, the priest didn’t(afraid) does nothing, the thug than kills an innocent, the priest(raged) shoots the man and killing the thug he meet the previous day, the priest(screaming and angrily) allows the other thugs to escape.
Across the church a dark creature with demon like body watching the event as it folds down.
The priest returns to his home scared of what he has done thinking about the killing he had done in the home of god, scared, confused and angry on the bad men he wasn’t able to think straight.

I’ll write the rest of the story tomorrow.

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It’s very compelling, Harrowing - -

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I’ll finish the rest I get back home.

If you go through this story your game must be story oriented like the walking dead from telltale.

So, it begins with a priest, who gets mugged, they follow him to church, the criminals and, as they start threatening the people in the Church, the pulls his own gun and, kills one lets another escape - - that’s not a Super- happy tale - -

you’re worried too much about looks Right now, we Need to Get the story down - -

Yes, if the priest kills, especially in House, of the Lord, Bad Things can Happen But, how do We save him, Help him - –

Does he go on a journey, to say a thousand rosaries, and, give a sum, to Charity, To Clear his soul - – Could That work - -

what is The lesson, of the Game . . That the Guilty pay And, Burn in hell - -

If we are going to Tell a Damnation story, It better Be Good, I Say - -

This tale is not going to have a happy ending, I present you a chilling adventure, In a story of brutal retribution and redemption The priest must fight his way in an epic journey across to hold on to heaven, For that he needs to murder, many many murders, no where to hide no where to run, the only way forward is to kill again and again and again AND AGAIN, when you pick a fight with devil you better be stronger than hell, I present you THE PRIEST FROM HELL.
now that’s what I was thinking how to story will proceed.
If you like the idea I can write in the rest of story and those fancy lines are from dark souls 3.

Satan’s Priest, so to speak - - or, Satan’s Bishop, That sounds Cool . . I don’t know, I don’t think we are going to get a priest to murder, a lot of people, most of them know the Bible, Murder is a Pretty big sin, I Think - -

So, you’re thinking some-thing like John Wick but, with a priest Or, Pissed -off monk, with guns and, he goes on a revenge quest, to Redeem him-self - -

Sort of like Grand theft auto but, it’s an Old priest, who Goes around Killing random people, Sort of - - It’s a bit like those old movie, where one man becomes a one-man army, To stop some sinners, like Arnold movies or Rambo movies - -

I understand that he wants to hold on to Heaven but, how is killing a ton of people, going to do that, unless they’re all sinners or, Monsters - –