Hello, as part of my game development college course i have to make a 2d game prototype, and i have encountered a few problems, but only 1 i need to fix urgently. The main problem is that when i build the game the menu works as desired, but upon clicking play and going to the game, the game camera is smaller and i can still see a bit of the menu on the right of my game, as shown in the picture. (http://i.imgur.com/z3Nc47E.png) i first took it off free aspect which helped it a bit but as you can see the problem is still pretty blatant and i’m out of ideas as to why its happening, both the menu and the camera for the game are the exact same size both image wise and camera scaling. the win/lose screens work perfectly it’s just the game that shows this. any help would be appreciated greatly. thank you for your time.
First of all, if you’re using the new 4.6 UI components then you shouldn’t need to deal with the OnGUI() method. If I were you, I would create a script with methods for navigating between scenes and attach it to a GameObject in your initial scene (don’t forget to mark the gameobject as DontDestroyOnLoad or it’ll disappear between scenes). I would then create the UI buttons using the inspector and use the OnClick functions to call methods on the controller. There are some good YouTube tutorials that I think suit your needs perfectly here:
Part 1 (Creating the menu)
Part 2 (Changing scenes using OnClick)
You don’t really need any scripting with the new UI system.
Have you tried changing Ui Scale Mode in Canvas, Canvas Scaler (Script).
And if you want to check how your menu scaling works, click “Maximize on play” in game view, or drag the game view out of unity editor, and scretch it as you want.