I am having some issues with my project. I updated the Oculus Rift plugin and imported that into my project. I think I messed up by not deleting the old one first, the new one just over-wrote the old and now it makes my build crash on launch.
However, If I delete the OVRplayercontroller out of my scene and put in a regular one, it works fine on build. Something is wrong with the OVRPlayerController, but the strange part is:
If I create a NEW project and use the same updated OVRPlayerController it works fine on build and doesn’t crash??? So it must be linked to somthing else in my current scene?
*What I have already tried doing:
- I deleted ALL Oculus files that were in my project folder and re-imported them.
- I made a prefab of my scene and put that into a new scene.
- I made a new scene with nothing but terrain and the OVRplayercontroller
Non of the above worked. Build still crashes .5 seconds after load.
Anyone have any ideas???
****Error says “the Oculusplugin.dll caused an Access Violation”… I googled it and found NOTHING.