Why game crash?
What unity version?
What render pipeline? Graphics api? Device? Works in unity?
Render pipeline none.
Unity work.
Graphic api where will i learn it?
Player settings
Set it to OpenGLES 3
Not work, again crashing.
Is vulkan fully removed?
If so, send the full logcat errors
Does an empty/new game crash also? If not, use divide-and-conquer/binary search to find the differences. Add 1/2 the assets to the new game and test, etc. Likely one asset is causing it to crash.
Could it be related to Admob?
Admob setting part is like this
Find out for sure as I suggested!
I will try, thank you.
If you suspect a single component like AdMod, it would be easiest to just make a full project backup, and delete everything associated with it to test.
I tried deleting it as a folder but it crashed again
Sorry, you deleted what as a folder? You typically remove packages using Package Manager. Again, does a new/empty project crash the same way? If not, that is your path forward. Add 1/2 the same packages (or remove the one) via Package Manager to confirm.
I was going to do the same, but there is no admob in the packages my assets section.
Well how did you install AdMob? Did you retrieve and set the AppID as mentioned in the error? Are you sure the ID you shared earlier in the screenshot is correct for this game?