Game Crashed after Splash Screen Fixed!

Hi there!

today I would like to tell peoples what I have fixed!
So basically I working on Unity 2022.3.21f1 with my big game project
the project is about 20 GB, I can call this big right?

and I have an issue when I build to iOS on iPad from 2008 for test
and my game was suddenly stop and Crashed after Splash Screen

and if the device has connected to Mac it won’t crash But the splash screen will show forever!
then when I’ve plug out of Mac and run again, the game was close itself after Splash Screen

Now I know what happen.
because my game is very big project and I can’t load that all big data at one scene!
I have to separate loading scene for each big data, such as 2 or 3 loading scene for
initializing objects,

that is, what I just want to share!

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Ah yes, very likely the (initial) scene load took too long so that the iOS watchdog kills the app because it believes the app is unresponsive.

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