Game crashes (Appstore version) with only some users, right after playing the intro movie - FIX ?


We seem to be having some crashing issues with our latest game, PREDATORS. This only happens to very few users, like 1 in 1000, but we need to fix it to avoid 1 star reviews and let everybody enjoy the game.

Some users said the game crashes just after the loading movie ends, without reaching the main menu scene. From what Ive heard, deleting the game, and installing it again from the Appstore fixes this. The total app size is 123 MB (compressed).

To give you a bit more details, we have an empty scene with just a background image, same as the splash screen image. In that scene, an external .m4v movie file is played, and right after that Unity loads another scene, which is the main menu.

When the movie plays, I think Unity is set on paused, and then it resumes, right? Do you think it'd be worth adding one more empty scene right after the splash screen scene? Our main menu scene does take a few MB because of the textures size.

If you have any ideas what we could do to fix this, Id be really grateful :)

Thanks a lot, Bogdan

Angry Mob Games

Hi, I think I know exactly what you're talking about. This used to happen to me a lot but I think I solved it now.

When you say "Empty Scene", it could just be a loading scene, well that's what I did.

I suspect the problem was that if you have a scene loaded, it's taking the device memory and when you load another scene from there, there isn't much memory left for it and the device automatically prompts the app to quit.

So the loading(or empty) scene between the big(memory heavy) scenes is a good idea.