Game Data Editor: The Visual Data Editor [Released]

Unity 2018.3 users, if you happened to apply the last patch I posted, here’s a better one with no issues:


You only need these 3 Dlls in GDE:

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Hey Celeste,

Thanks for the wonderful asset. I’m seriously loving it. I ran into an issue with the Playmaker commands though. I can’t find any of the Array actions in my action list? I have all the Get, Get Custom, and Set, but no array actions. Is there something I’m missing? I’m using 2018.3.

Thank you!

I think you emailed me, but in case that wasn’t you, apply this patch: GDEv2.6.1_Playmaker1.9Fix.unitypackage

I was either @LordMoonstone or me @Celestipoo :stuck_out_tongue:


When are ‘Long’ supported among Supported Data Types?
I have made a request, but it has not been supported for a long time. :frowning:

I am not a programmer I am a game graphic designer.

I am using GDE 2.7 in Unity 5.6. And I’m using playmaker.

I would like to add the Saved Game feature of Google Play Service. To enable this, you need to send and receive runtime data files to google cloud.
But I can not do this now.
This is because you do not know where the runtime data file is stored. What I want to know

  1. Is it possible to store runtime data files in Google Cloud?

  2. If it is possible to store in the cloud, is it possible to load the runtime data file normally when loading it?

What I want to implement is When a player saves a game save file in the Google cloud, and the device changes or wants to recover old data, it loads the saved file from the cloud Normally it applies to the gde runtime data.

I’ve been doing this for months. I have not solved it yet. Please have a clear answer.


I have been working with GDE on a project for a while and today I had to reimport the GDE (because of stupid reasons). I replaced the EPPlus.dll again with the fix for 2018.3, but now I am getting these errors:

The GDE menu also does not appear under ‘window’.

please help!

Try importing GameDataEditor/APIScripts manually by right clicking on that folder and importing.

Not sure what you mean. I now deleted the folder and imported that folder again from the asset store (still same issue). Right-clicking the folder only shows “import new asset” and “import custom package”.

I don’t know. Follow the steps you did when you first got the asset. This version of unity has a host of errors.

I’ll just keep looking then. Thanks for the fast replies anyway!



After upgrading to Unity 2019.1.1 and switching to Net 4.x I have some problems with GDE. Here is some info.

I was investigating the data files and I’ve noticed that it stores/saves float variables with commas instead of decimal points (1,50 instead of 1.50).

As a result (when there is any float with comma in the data file) it generates errors (I’ve added the most common one at the end of this post) and it’s not possible to initialize GDE and use GDE editor windows (Schemas/Items are cleared). Generally it produces errors when GDE want to access/initialize data that was saved before (because the data file uses commas for floats, instead of decimal points). When I load older version of same/similar data files (they have floats stored with decimal points) it works fine.

I think its problably related to CurrentCulture. My Windows is non-US version. When I use “Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture” it works fine and stores/saves floats with decimal points instead of commas. Anyway it’s a workaround and I’m not sure if it won’t affect other stuff in the project so I would prefer not to use it.

Unity fixed some issues related to CurrentCulture in 2019.1 (Unity Issue Tracker - [Windows] Editor uses OS locale settings (i.e. commas instead of dots in float values) with .NET 4.6) but it looks like there is something in GDE that is not affected by the fixes.

Unity 2018.3.11
“Serialization: Fixed issues with the serialization when using a non-US locale. (1065595, 1127019)”

Maybe it’s about TryParse because some users have reported issues with it even after the fixes were applied.

Do you think that you can publish an update that would fix that? I’ts possible that all users of 2019.x and NET 4.x who use systems with decimal culture would get these errors, which are critical for GDE functionality.

Any reply will be much appreciated.

There are some threads related to CurrentCulture problems:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at GameDataEditor.GDEItemManager.LoadSchemas () [0x00078] in D:/Test Project 2\Assets\GameDataEditor\Editor\GDEItemManager.cs:573
GameDataEditor.GDEItemManager:LoadSchemas() (at Assets/GameDataEditor/Editor/GDEItemManager.cs:595)
GameDataEditor.GDEItemManager:Load(Boolean) (at Assets/GameDataEditor/Editor/GDEItemManager.cs:444)
GameDataEditor.GDEManagerWindowBase:OnFocus() (at Assets/GameDataEditor/Editor/GDEManagerWindowBase.cs:137)
UnityEditor.EditorWindow:GetWindow(Boolean, String)
GDEMenu:GDEItemEditor() (at Assets/GameDataEditor/Editor/GDEMenu.cs:25)
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Can you share your thoughts about when or if this asset will be upgraded to work with Unity 2019? The last update in the asset store seems to be Nov 2017 and in this forum you suggested a fix for Unity 2018 back in January’19.

I’d really like to continue using this great asset! I have a project that’s heavily dependent on GDE, and hope its still maintained :slight_smile:

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Ditto, could really use a 2019.1 as nothing provided in the previous comments work.

@NGS99 - I’m currently using GDE with the dropbox hotfix @Celestipoo provided. Everything is working in Unity 2019.2.0b7. Installing per her instructions should work for you, too!

We use Google Sheets to hold localization info and stats on items. I even did a major update on the structure, refreshed my GDEData Classes, and everything is still 100% functional.

That being said, with Unity moving to a yearly major upgrade cycle, I’m hoping this asset continues to be maintained! I think it would help a lot of folks if the “new” update was published to the Asset Store.

I’m a little embarrassed at how much I’ve come to rely on this asset, and don’t want to find another! :sunglasses:

Good day all,

I’ve been using GDE in my project for about 5 months now. A few weeks ago I started getting these warnings whenever I load in my data from an Excel file:

  • Invalid AssetDatabase path: J:/ [project folder path] /Assets/GameDataEditor/Resources/gde_data.txt. Use path relative to the project folder.
  • J:/ [project folder path] /Assets/GameDataEditor/Resources/gde_data.txt’ is an absolute path, importing is skipped. Paths to assets have to be relative to the project folder e.g ‘Assets/Folder/MyAsset.asset’

After importing I can see all of my data in the Schema & Item Editor, but when I hit play it clears out the database and I get a lot of errors like:

- System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at GameDataEditor.GDEItemManager.LoadSchemas () [0x00078] in J:\ [project folder path] \Assets\GameDataEditor\Editor\GDEItemManager.cs:573
- System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at GameDataEditor.GDEDataManager.set_masterData (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] value) [0x00009] in J:\ [project folder path] \Assets\GameDataEditor\APIScripts\GDEDataManager.cs:51

I can sort of fix it by first clearing out the import export settings, then loading in the data, and then generate GDE data classes again. However this does not seem very reliable + I would like to be able to just hit save in my Excel file and the GDE auto-reimports the data properly, which it was able to do a few weeks ago.

Anybody know what’s wrong and how to fix this?

(I’m on 2018.3) (I changed some of the project folder path with [project folder path], as this is for a company)


I have just purchased Game Data Editor off the asset store, and imported it to my project however i’m receiving multiple error message. im using Unity 2019.3.

Is there a certain way it needs to be imported on 2019?

Please Help?

I have had errors using GDE in 2019. I emailed Celestipoo and she provided a partial fix, but said she wants to deprecate the plugin. I have since got it working at least enough for my project which is simply using a Google spreadsheet, importing, and using standard text and number fields. I’ll describe below…

As above, work has silently stopped on GDE which is a travesty IMO. As I stated in my review, I can’t think of a more essential asset. I have got GDE working without Localization Editor in my project that I’ve ported from 2017 to 2019.1 And here’s how…

  1. Remove Localization Editor. Both LE and GDE use EPPlus.dll local to their plugin folders and that stops the project building due to duplicates.

  2. Import a hot-fix asset provided by Celstipoo: Dropbox

  3. Closing and reopening the project results in scripts being rebuilt and GDE now works. The local database works. However, spreadsheet import failed because of a DateTime format error.

  4. This DateTime error comes from a test to resend authorisation tokens when importing. The last time the authorisation was performed is saved as a string saved as some regional culture. For me being in the UK, the swap of the day and month from the saved format caused the error (no 27th month!). In tracking this down, I added these lines to Assets/GameDataEditor/Editor/ExcelImport/GDEOAuth.cs…

using System.Globalization; // ADDED

                string timeString = settings.AccessTokenTimeout;
                CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");  // ADDED
                DateTime lastRefreshed = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (!timeString.Equals (string.Empty))
                    DateTime.Parse (timeString, culture);


However, one could probably just remove the DateTime test altogether and just always call RefreshAccessToken() if spreadsheet import is only done once in a while, changing…

        public void Init()
            if (HasAuthenticated())
                GDESettings settings = GDESettings.Instance;
                string accessToken = settings.AccessTokenKey;
                string refreshToken = settings.RefreshTokenKey;
                oauth2Params.AccessToken = accessToken;
                oauth2Params.RefreshToken = refreshToken;
                string timeString = settings.AccessTokenTimeout;
                CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-GB");
                DateTime lastRefreshed = DateTime.MinValue;
                if (!timeString.Equals (string.Empty))
                    DateTime.Parse (timeString, culture);
                TimeSpan timeSinceRefresh = DateTime.Now.Subtract (lastRefreshed);
                if (timeSinceRefresh.TotalSeconds >= ACCESS_TOKEN_TIMEOUT)


        public void Init()
            if (HasAuthenticated())
                GDESettings settings = GDESettings.Instance;
                string accessToken = settings.AccessTokenKey;
                string refreshToken = settings.RefreshTokenKey;
                oauth2Params.AccessToken = accessToken;
                oauth2Params.RefreshToken = refreshToken;

As of this moment, I can access my database and import from Google within 2019. I have not tried setting up a new Google connection as I’m using the settings created when I made the project in 2017, but I can’t see why that wouldn’t work.

Hopeful Celestipoo can find a little time to tidy up GDE and fix these little errors. I can see a new database asset on the asset store doing the same things, getting similar 5* reviews. GDE is already there and feature-rich and we’re already using it and loving it! :smile:

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Yeah, I grabbed this because it was similar enough to GoogleFu and the competitors but was easier to use and had better documentation. Its really sad its being depreciated soon.

Regardless, I hope Celestipoo will find the time to fix the compatibility bugs so we can continue to use this into Unity 2020.

@Celestipoo - Hopefully when this is deprecated, it can go to Github instead of just disappearing.