Game engines comparison Unity,UDK, Many others.

Read it Here.

Comment here or on my blog =].

UDK certainly has ‘Adv. Dynamic Shadows’ and ‘Very Advanced Scripting’… though I can’t say what your qualifiers are for ‘advanced’ and ‘very advanced’.

Also, I’m not sure I’d put Unity and Torque as having ‘Realtime GI’ - I know there was a demo scene for Unity that had something like that, but that’s not really integrated functionality. For Torque I don’t think I’ve ever seen realtime GI?

Not to discourage you, but i dont think many people will download a .docx just to see the chart, especially since not every software can open it. You should put it on a website, or at least google docs.

Well, UDK Does have soft dynamic shadows? They are handled through Lightmass, which is static and recommended.

UDK’S scripting is not really that advanced since it is not per-object or like that.

I’m making this a PDF for upload.

Torque definitely has no realtime GI. It has the ScatterSky system but thats it, thats nothing like GI

I don’t think I have heard of any technology offering that other than CryTek 3

Even Vision, UE3 etc only offer GI lightmap baking from within the editors.

Unity and Torque don’t offer anything like that at all, thats where pureLIGHT comes in for high quality lightmaps, or using Maya / 3DS Max in case of Unity

Well, there is a community based project for unity featuring real time gi. will be released soon. read on the showcase forums, i think.

Sounds like a hint you should potentially follow if you think its realtime GI

It attempts to fake part of what GI is, but GI can’t be done in realtime within unity at all.

Since when has UDK become cross-platform (Unreal Engine is but not UDK)?

UDK absolutely has dynamic shadows.

Will update that paper once i can, and re-upload it.

It might help people comparing in the future if you had version numbers of the engines on there too.

Necron33, I think there are some errors in your game engine comparison sheet. Especially when it comes to UDK. You might want to double check some of the facts on real time GI, volumetric fog, and shadows. Just to be fair and all.

Actually Lightmass is a lightmap generation tool and has nothing to do with dynamic shadows. Maybe if you defined your categories better it would make more sense.

I suggest the next step is to replace the Yes/No values with something descriptive and gradually expand on them, e.g. mention the scripting languages in the scripting row, or shadow methods in the shadow row. That’s what I’d really like to see in a game engine comparison. And I’d avoid the use of “Advanced” - it’s a bit vague and sounds like more of an opinion. But this is a good start!