When Am playing game my game fps Is around 45-60 but when the Phone Is Asleep(Or Lock) in android then Fps going to 20-30…
I didn’t understand what the issue
Please if anybody handle this issue please give me a solution…
When Am playing game my game fps Is around 45-60 but when the Phone Is Asleep(Or Lock) in android then Fps going to 20-30…
I didn’t understand what the issue
Please if anybody handle this issue please give me a solution…
Not sure why you’d need the game to run at a high framerate when not active but I believe Unity will stop updating renderer or become more optimized when it is not active. Lock probably sends Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour.OnApplicationFocus(bool) or Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour.OnApplicationPause(bool) so put some logs there to see if that is what is happening.