My device name elitebook 8440p hp:- Chip Type: Intel(R) HD Graphics(Core i5). My Testing device name amazon:- Android Version: 4.4.4 When i attach my android device for testing it does’nt gives a better quality result or better quality display it produce bad resolution or low(slow) quality display. When i go to project settings->Quality->or set fastest display mode it says “changes mode in play mode will not be saved”.
- If you are using Unity Remote when testing then quality will always be downgraded. Here is a great explanation already provided: Poor Image Quality on Android
- “Changes made in play mode will not be saved” means what it says. If you change Quality settings while in play mode, any changes made will revert back to the values they were when you first pressed the play button.
To see your game as it appears in the ‘Game’ window on your device, you will need to build to the device.