Game is cut diagonal when built. looks fine in Unity game mode

Hello, i don’t know whats going on and i haven’t found this problem before.

i updated to 5.2.3 and now when i build i am missing half the screen diagonal.

i move the quad texture away and i can see everything, I thought it might be just affecting the line in the center diagonal, so i expanded the image so it would only use the part of the texture that was showing on the bottom half of the diagonal, but time nothing showed up apart from the texture.

Not sure what is going on, i have deleted the texture from a rolling background to a parallax background with a different script.

Thanks all.

I needed to change the Depth position (z) of the background to 1.

i got the similar problem same,in my race car game but later i figured it is quad 3d object so i changed the scrolling background to spirte2d object and added animation for scrolling and some of the phones like quallcom snapdragon stuff doesn’t support some graphics although some integration’s there,‘’ REMOVE YOUR QUAD AND ADD THE SPRITE OBJECT AND ADD ANIMATION FOR THAT HOPE IT HELPS YOU"

Just change the depth position (POSITION “Z”) from 0 to 1 and thats it…