Game is not working correctly after build,Game over panel appears in start when i generate apk

Hello Everyone. I am working on unity and i have developed clone of color switch game. The game works correctly on my PC. There is no issue in the game but when generate its apk and install on my mobile and play the game than game over panel appears in game play screen and replay button also does not work.I don’t know what is the problem. Because everything works correctly on my PC…Please help me.
Thanks in adcance

Hello , please go to your build settings in File > Build Settings
Scenes in Build will show you the list of scenes you want to build
In there you need to include all the scenes that will be in your game (example:main menu, game over, level scenes , etc…) you can do that by dragging and dropping the scenes from project panel to the builder’s Scene in Build list Box.
The first scene you need to open on a game should be given a number of 0 (should be first one in the list).
To move between scenes in your game you need to add code :
SceneManager.LoadScene("NameLevel"); with “NameLevel” replaced by the name of the scene you want to load
SceneManager.LoadScene("SceneNumber"); with “SceneNumber” replaced by the number given to ur scene in the builder’s Scene in Build list Box.

Hope it helps