Game JAM!!

So I would like to take a model and break it into parts in unity. Basically we are making a turret game and we are going to make enemies explode into pieces.

Any suggestions?

I’m trying to do this for a game jam ending at 7 p.m. eastern time this sunday so yeah I madly appreciate any direction.


Easiest way, especially with a short deadline, is just to make a bunch of separate pieces in your 3D app. When the turret is hit, remove the “intact turret” model and instantiate the pieces in its place, and apply forces to them (AddExplosionForce works nicely). Plus a particle effect of course.


yea in your modelling app there will probably be fast and slow ways to achieve this.

Ask here if its daunting



I am working with one modeler who is using Blender. I really don’t want her to spend time on breaking all of her models up. They are already in pieces in the file, I would just like to, in code, be able to break up the parent/child relationship.


If its in-game in pieces, the parent node can go transform.DetachChildren();
according to the docs. Then you could use AddComponent to add rigidbody and collider.

transform.parent in the docs

Is that easily do-able for you?


Perfect!!! Exactly what I was looking for!!

Thank you kindly.