Game like Transistor/Bastion

Hey Guys,

I am working on a game which is kinda like Transistor/Bastion with perspective/scale.

In other words an isometric game with hand-drawn 2D graphics.
But I don´t know how to do the level.

What i would do is to load objects like buildings, trees etc. from a big “atlas texture”
But how am I supposed to handle the terrain, to make one really big image for each level seems like a terrible Idea.

On the other hand, I dont want a repetitive tileset-look

I really hope someone can help me.


Here are some screenshots from Transistor/Bastion, I am sure there are other games like that but these are the two that came to my mind.

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You can do it in chunks of different parts, if you want variety and sacrifice modularity of tiles, you can’t do anything else but use unique pieces. You just have to plan what you can reuse and what not. For example if you take a game like Baldur’s Gate, it is made out of a huge image for each area, they reuse some props, but most of the art is speciic per area.

For props you can use a big atlas to group some of them at different angles and use one texture for that, for the level itself you can’t do much.

The way I would do it is to have the static background in chunks, let’s say 4 images of 1024x1024, so in total 4 planes of 2 polys each, the rest just put on top of it. Then it depends on how much uniqueness you want to add to each area, you are gonna have more problems with making characters going behind or in front of things with just static images for the background.

How do you intend to manage the depth? Your workflow may depend on this too.

Thank you,

yeah, i think i´ll try to split it up in big chunks.
It´s somehow hard to wrap my head around that when i think of my workflow.

But maybe it comes down to try and error.


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