Game locked as minimized window


We were having a weird issue on our game for a moment. It only happened on 5 players, so it was hard to pinpoint but now I now we’re not the only one with the issue.

here is what happens when we launch the game:

randomly, on PC, the game starts with this minimized tray, and it’s impossible to make it fullscreen because it’s resolution is super low.

I experienced the same issue with another game (not mine) called Littlewood.
So I found that the issue was caused by 3 parameters in the registry:

Screenmanager Fullscreen mode_h3630240806 : set to 3
Screenmanager Resolution Height_h2627697771 : set to 1
Screenmanager Resolution Width_h182942802 : set to 144

So randomly, the game decides to run in a 1x144 resolution.

I tried to check the resolution ingame using Screen.currentResolution, but it says it’s running at 1920 x 1080 @ 60Hz

So it would seem I have to way to check ingame if the resolution is correct because it doesn’t match the reality.

Anyone else had this issue or knows how to solve it?

Screen.currentResolution returns the desktop resolution when running in windowed mode, not the game resolution. You should check for Screen.width/Screen.height instead.

I’ve seen this happen before, it was a result of a bad Screen.SetResolution call that set the resolution to 0x0.

Ah great! thank you very much, Screen.height made the patch work.

For anyone looking for an easy patch, I used this in the bootstrap:

if (Screen.height < 10)
            Screen.SetResolution(Screen.resolutions[0].width, Screen.resolutions[0].height, FullScreenMode.Windowed);