Game Manager

i have a Project with diffrent scenes and i want to load this with a shortcut.
I wrote a Singleton StateManager which handle the active Scene and switching. When i switche the scenes four or five times it loads fast, but then every change load longer.
I need the same variable on different scenes, this is the reason for the StateManager.

Thanks for Help.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public enum GameState
    Haus = 1,
    Auto = 2,
    Technik = 3

public delegate void OnStateChangeHandler();

public class StateManager : MonoBehaviour

    static StateManager _instance;
    public event OnStateChangeHandler OnStateChange;
    public bool isLeapControlling
        private set;

    public GameState gameState
        private set;

    public void SetGameState(GameState gameState)
        this.gameState = gameState;
        if (OnStateChange != null)
        Debug.Log("GameState geändert auf: " + gameState);

    public void SetLeapState(bool leapState)
        this.isLeapControlling = leapState;
        Debug.Log("LeapStatus: " + isLeapControlling.ToString());

    protected StateManager()

    static public bool isActive
            return _instance != null;

    static public StateManager Instance
            if (_instance == null)
                _instance = Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(StateManager)) as StateManager;

                if (_instance == null)
                    GameObject go = new GameObject("StateManager");
                    _instance = go.AddComponent<StateManager>();
            return _instance;

    void OnApplicationQuit()
        _instance = null;


Is more easy if you copy and paste the code here for better reading, using insert… menu → code. Is an recommendation.