Game map (M)


What would be the best way to add a “M” map to a game to show where on the map you are?
I have a big ocean with some islands witch you can travel to with ships, and im also not sure of the best way to make that map so its shows the islands accurate

I tried with print screen on a far distance and what i got was this, but that doesn’t look good at all and are realy low res when you zoom in ofc

Any tips or/and link to a tutorial would be appreciated, Thanks

Why not use a secondary camera?

Wouldn’t that affect the FPS?

Depends. If you only enable that camera when you are showing the map, it will be negligible.

The question is better answered by your own game design. When am I showing this to the player? what kind of interactivity I need on the map? Does the map change as the game progresses? Do I need to be able and zoom / pan / crop it?

The more interactivity you need, the easier it will be with a camera rendering the world in real time. The less interactivity you need, you can get away with a static image as a background, and just overlaying it with the player based on some interpolation/calculation.

All i want to do is to press “M” and the map shows with your position marked and with all the islands i have made.
The main idea was to have a static image like it would be a real map similar to this

But how i would make the map is the biggest issue when the world is big

assuming this is 3d and top down you would have to grab the players xz world position, and figure out how you need to transform those coordinates to use find a location in the texture. More or less figure out how many pixels of your map is 1 unit in unity

Its a 3D game and first person view on the ships. Yes thats what i mean, how to get the correct pos on the map image depending on your pos in the world

You’ll need to map it yourself. You can use Transform.TransformPoint if you have it setup in a way that the Map’s transform is equivalent to the world position of objects. Either way you do it, you’ll have to figure out what is the ratio and relationship between world coordinates and map coordinates, and do the math to convert it.

This. Except instead of rendering your game world you render another map layer, with all of your stylised stuff. This is less expensive then rendering everything, and it gives relevant feedback to the player.