Game mechanics framework - settlement simulator

Ahoi !!

I am currently working on framework for creating settlement simulators. It would offer:

  • object representation of settlements, citizens, enterprises, stores, production processes, technology, goods, items etc.
  • turn calculation handling dealing with production, consumption etc
  • programmatic interface for accessing game components information
  • GUI editor for creating your own goods, production processes, technology, etc
  • GUI scenario editor for setting up settlement
  • GUI simulator for testing libraries and scenarios
  • multiple game mechanics from simplest to more complicated ones
  • easy to extend classes to add your own game mechanics
  • ready example libraries with balanced systems

Right now I am on the stage of proof of concept for architecture with code written in Java. I want to move it to Unity now.

Do you feel there is a need for such framework?
What features would you like to have to use it?

So your talking about a system like the civ games?

Yes, cities in civ like games, heroes of might and magic. Planets, stations for games like Master of Orion, Stellaris. Regions like Victoria 2, Europe Universalis series, Total War series. For dynamic world in RPG or mixes of RPG and strategy. It could be used also in Ogame like games. Complexity from Stars! to detailed skill based production and consumption of Rimworld (if we would treat whole settlement as one entity) or even more.

If anything, I would rather see something in between SimCity like, transport tycoon and capitalism.

But instead doing it in classical OOP, using DOTS.

Thanks, I will look closer into DOTS. Right now architecture is based on flyweight with connecting objects by reference, abstract factory for polymorphic classes and chain of responsibility for delegation of responses at different levels of object structure complexity.
Transport tycoon type is quite different, it has rather simple processing/storing entities with complicated interactions, mostly due to transport. What I am doing is more focused on possibly complicated entities (settlements) with outer mechanism of interaction between than which I leave for later implementation. For other tycoons where you can model enterprise/settlement as entity with negligible internal transport this framework should work fine.

I suppose you could remove transportation factor as per Transport Tycoon, keeping goods relation and cities behavior. Just as example.

Leaving some inputs, for optional custom trigger, saying resources are delivered, could open for additional optional mechanics.

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