Game Menus WIth Keyboard Input Control

Hi All!
I have a race game with various tracks and vehicles and i’m making the menu for it.
I need a menu that has the ability to be controlled by the arrow keys of the keyboard.
I have a “MainMenu” scene with an empty object with a script that renders the GUI but only the first page. Here is the code:

public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviour {

	public AudioClip blip;

	public Texture2D background;
	public Texture2D wip3Logo;

	public GUIStyle mainButton;

	private string[] mainMenuLabels = { "SINGLE RACE", "CAMPAIGN", "SPLIT SCREN", "STATS", "QUIT" };
	private bool[] mainMenuButtons;
	private int mainMenuSelected;

	void Awake () {

		DontDestroyOnLoad (GameManager.Instance);
		GameManager.Instance.StartState ();

	void Start () {

		mainMenuButtons = new bool[mainMenuLabels.Length];
		mainMenuSelected = 0;
	void Update () {
		if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.DownArrow) == true) {
			audio.PlayOneShot (blip);
			if (mainMenuSelected < mainMenuLabels.Length - 1)
				mainMenuSelected += 1;
				mainMenuSelected = 0;
		if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.UpArrow) == true) {
			audio.PlayOneShot (blip);
			if (mainMenuSelected > 0)
				mainMenuSelected -= 1;
				mainMenuSelected = mainMenuLabels.Length - 1;

	void OnGUI () {

		float width = Screen.width / 2;
		float height = Screen.height / 2;

		GUI.Box (new Rect (width - 960, height - 600, 1920, 1200), background);

		GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (width - 512, height - 384, 1024, 768));
		GUI.Label (new Rect (64, 96, 416, 48), wip3Logo);
		for (int i = 0; i < mainMenuLabels.Length; i++) {
			GUI.SetNextControlName (mainMenuLabels*);*

mainMenuButtons = GUI.Button (new Rect (64, 160 + i * 64 , 416, 48), mainMenuLabels*, mainButton);*
* }*

* GUI.EndGroup ();*

* GUI.FocusControl (mainMenuLabels[mainMenuSelected]);*

* if (mainMenuButtons[0]) {*

* Debug.Log (“SINGLE RACE”);*
* GameManager.Instance.SetRaceType (GameManager.RaceType.SingleRace);*
* }*

* if (mainMenuButtons[1]) {}*

* if (mainMenuButtons[2]) {}*

* if (mainMenuButtons[3]) {}*

* if (mainMenuButtons[4]) {*

* Application.Quit ();*
* }*

* if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.Return)) {*
* mainMenuButtons[mainMenuSelected] = true;*
* }*
* }*
As you can see it manage the first page of the menu.
I need a way to program the various pages in the same way with personalized contollers (a page needs even left and right arrows) to build a complex menu.
How can i do that?

So you already got the first menu working and just looking for ways of doing the same thing for a different menu? If so, I think you can either create a functions and set the codes that you’ve written into that function instead like “UpdateMainMenu” function and call it from the “Update” function. Then just make a copy of that function for other menus you want and call them instead if you’re currently in that menu (you can use a state system to do this (I usually use enum for it)). Same thing with the OnGUI function.

Or, another way is to create another class for the other menus and attach it to a GameObject, then deactivate them at the start. When you want the menu to appear, simply set the GameObject active to true and false when you exit from them.

Hope this helps.