I am making a game where I need the x touch to follow a gameobject so I can slide it from side to side. I am a beginner so I’m not sure what to do.
As a quick solution, use Input.mousePosition and Camera.main.ScreenPointToWorldPoint. You could also get individual touch positions with Input.touches.
using UnityEngine;
// Attach this component to the GameObject you want to follow the touch position.
public class FollowTouch : MonoBehaviour
// every frame
void Update ()
// if left-mouse-button is being held OR there is at least one touch
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) || Input.touchCount > 0)
// get mouse position in screen space
// (if touch, gets average of all touches)
Vector3 screenPos = Input.mousePosition;
// set a distance from the camera
screenPos.z = 10.0f;
// convert mouse position to world space
Vector3 worldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPos);
// get current position of this GameObject
Vector3 newPos = transform.position;
// set x position to mouse world-space x position
newPos.x = worldPos.x;
// apply new position
transform.position = newPos;
Tested with mouse. I have not tested with touches.
I am having the same issue the object is going to the left side