I have this “GameObjectLocalizer” script that add itself randomly. It’s very annoying, I don’t know how to avoid that. It add itself after few edit on prefab then event if I remove it I can’t modify a prefab (change are not applied).
Here how a edit box is whe GameObjectLocalizer add itself (it turns green)…
Can I remove it ? Itadd itself in a lot of gameobject and adding bugs. Or can I understand what it’s going on, it add itself randomly and I can’t edit anything ! Please help me
This checkbox feature needs clearer documentation! Our team lost hours due to it.
Unity 2022.3.5f1 - Localization Package version 1.4.4
Navigate: Windows > Assets Management > Localization Scene Controls > Uncheck ‘Track change’.
Suggestion: Set ‘Track change’ unchecked as default maybe? The current script struggles with multiple changes, causing conflicts. Improvements here will benefit.
We’ve noticed the GameObjectLocalizer script struggles with managing Anchors in the Rect Transform with both GameObject and prefabs. That is what messed up our scenes. Should we file a bug report for that?