This may sound a little odd and more ignorant than anything since I am just learning Unity’s structure but I am trying to determine an easier way to do something versus creating a scene file for each level in my test app.
If I am dealing with a set of patterns of blocks in a scene and these patterns are pre-defined. Instead of creating a new scene file for each level to represent each pattern of blocks, is there a way to make visible or invisible each of the 3d Elements I want to display for each particilar level.
i.e I have a 5x5 grid with each cell being a block, different levels have different combinations of these cells being visible or not to form a pattern. Can I at level startup time just make the ones I need visible for that level and hide the others? This way I do not have to have a different scene file for each level but generate each level based on the known pattern for that level.
Thanks in advance.