I was tinkering around a bit last night and came up with a colorful implementation of Life. Then I wanted to get it working on my Wordpress page, so here it is: http://www.jeffcraighead.com. Had to use a DIV tag and an IFrame above the text of the post to get it in there.
EDIT: I’m now using Tom’s WP plugin instead. Works great! See post below for link.
Tom wrote a plugin for Wordpress which load / unloads content (so you can read a blog without having to load all the Unity content, or have multiple unity instances running at the same time on a blog.
It’s the third post down, here:
I linked the whole topic because some other users had their solutions posted as well.
Yea Toms plugin is quite nice. Its a tad annoying to have to load the webplayers just to view the blog.
Oh, nice. I was looking for something like that. Thanks for the link.