Game refuses to Start on Xbox Devices

I built my game for UWP, and have been updating the game for my customers, however. Recently, they complain the Xbox version doesn’t even start. I checked on my PC and it loads just fine. I then used visual studio to open the app cert kit and then i check the dump and it shows this “The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access” and “0xc0000005”

I have no clue what this means, and I don’t think it’s me directly who has influenced this. But just in case it is, I included the script I modified upon making the game breaking update and the dump file from vs. Please help asap.

script: Dropbox
dump: Dropbox

That dump shows the same issue as Failed to pas WACK, "Error Found: The high OS version validation detected the following errors" . It is unrelated to the issue you’re having on Xbox.

I suppose you haven’t been able to reproduce the issue you’re having on Xbox yourself?

Hm strange. The error given appears to be just like mine. Well it’s good to know that it’s not the cause of the problem.

You are correct, I myself have no Xbox, I just prayed all my code would work equally on Xbox, since UWP apps work practically the same on Xbox and PC (or so I thought) and I had a few friends to test it every now and then.

I am talking to one of the customers who had emailed me about the issue, and I worked on a few random things in the game that could possibly cause the error, while also connecting the debugger through vs, and it seems there are less errors. I asked the customer if they could install an update which I pushed out and see if the game launches and I’m waiting for a response.

I also assume the script is ok?

There’s nothing suspicious in that script that’d cause a crash.

Good to know. Sorry I took so long to respond by the way. Anyway, my customer was practically useless, and ghosted me, however, I was able to get my friend to try it. Upon launching the game the splash screen shows, then it goes white and then the game closes. On windows it’s the same, but instead of crashing you have to wait about 30 seconds for the game to post. Any idea on why though. It’s so weird and annoying.

When it takes 30 seconds to launch on Windows, are you by any chance launching it from a debugger?

Do you have any files in your project Resources folder?

It’s definitely not being ran by debugger. When I searched the problem it was one of the first things I checked. There is no physical resources folder I may remind you, as it is a uwp build. But if I open the build msix file in 7zip the resources folder inside has two files, unity_bultin_extra and unity%20default%20resources.

If you can catch the game being on the white screen on PC for extended period of time, you can capture a dump file of it in task manager by finding the process in the details tab, right clicking it and pressing Create Dump File. I can then look at it and tell you what it’s stuck on.

Alright, I was able to do it, here is the new dump file.
i opened in vs and i saw nothing that caught my eye but I assume you know much more about dmp files than I do as I had no use for them until recently.

That is the same dump you sent me in the original post from running app cert kit, not one captured via task manager when it’s hanging.

Oh I’m sorry, I clicked the wrong one in Dropbox, this is the one I meant to send. Dropbox

Oof, another dead end, I’m afraid. It is hanging enumerating audio devices on your machine (which shouldn’t translate to Xbox at all). Do you have miracast enabled by any chance? That has in the past caused issues.

Miracast is disabled, and also not installed (it says to install go to optional features.) Also, just curious, why would the hanging not transfer to Xbox? The Windows and Xbox version are from the same msix file, and Xbox can also do multiple audio devices.

any news?

The reason I don’t think the hanging would transfer to Xbox is because it occurs in the part of the engine initialization which is the same for every single game made in Unity. Secondly, the behaviour on Xbox is different: on PC it eventually loads because the audio device enumeration completes. And on Xbox, you seem to be seeing a crash. Since this is not a widespread problem (otherwise we’d be flooded with bug reports about this), I suspected that it has to do with something on your PC: just unclear what. As I said, that was a dead end: there’s nothing you can really change in your project (other than disabling Audio, which is probably not a solution) to make it not try enumerate audio devices on startup, and the fact that it’s specific to your machine makes it unlikely you’re seeing the same thing on Xbox.

If you want, we can continue troubleshooting why it starts up slowly on your PC but as I said even if we figure it out, the solution will fixing something on your PC and it is unlikely to actually help Xbox. However, given that you aren’t able to reproduce the Xbox problem locally, figuring that out will be much harder as you can’t really gather information about it yourself. Ideally, it needs to be run under the debugger to figure why it crashes. You could report a bug to us with a project attached: that is probably the best thing I can offer at this time.

Alright, thanks, I’ll probably submit the project to a bug report. I have another question. The app certification also acts like the app cant even launch, and mentions something, I’ll attach the htm file from it. It’s in the “Platform version launch” section. The error from the “Crashes and hangs” was what I showed initially with the dmp file.

Oh sorry here’s the file: Dropbox

Platform version launch test failing unfortunately is a bug in Windows, see . You can safely ignore it.

Hello, i think i have the same problem, my game only show a splashscreen and close in xbox. thats strange because when i test the game in xbox dev mode the game works fine. with the same package that ive sended to microsoft partner center. any solution for this?

Game refuses to start on Xbox (One, S, X) - Unity Bug Reporting Portal - Jira Service Management
I submitted an official bug report almost a year ago dude. It has since been resolved also much long ago. You are likely facing a different issue. You’d only be facing this issue now if you are running an old Unity.