Game runs fine in editor, but windows build makes explorer crash


As I was saying in the title, the game runs perfectly fine in Editor, but keeps crashing Windows Explorer when I try to launch the .exe

I couldn’t find any info on the internet, I saw a common silent error was the material of UI elements not assigned, but so far nothing had work.

Any ideas ?

I’m currently stuck with the same problem… I don’t have any error in the editor. (If you find something post it here I need to submit this project very soon:()

Heya, I did find a workaround just before commiting for the jam I was doing, after a night of search.

The solution for me was simply to not put a splash screen. I really don’t see the link, but it worked. I simply removed the splash screen image for the build, and windows explorer stopped crashing. I hope this works for you, and that it’s fixed soon.