Game scripts or other custom code contains OnMouse_ event handlers. Presence of such handlers might impact performance on handheld devices

I wrote this custom script in order to enable my mobile application to use touch controls on a sprite and navigate to a next scene or page. The code I wrote below is uses a isTouched function to call the LoadScene method inside so that when I load my application, I can tap on the screen and it will load the next scene.

public class Next_lvl : MonoBehaviour {

public static Collider2D cd;

void Update () {
	if (isTouched ()) {
		SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1);

public bool isTouched(){
	bool result = false;
	if (Input.touchCount == 1) {
		if (Input.touches [0].phase == TouchPhase.Ended) {
			Vector3 wp = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint (Input.GetTouch (0).position);
			Vector2 touchPos = new Vector2 (wp.x, wp.y);
			if (cd == Physics2D.OverlapPoint (touchPos)) {
				result = true;
	return result;


However, this causes my application to have bugs in it, crashes and does allow me to navigate to any other pages when I test this on the phone. I keep getting this error that game scripts or other custom code contains OnMouse_ event handlers. The presence of such handlers might impact performance on handheld devices. I’m not sure why my code generates this error but is there anyway I can write a touch method that would allow me to tap on a sprite on my mobile device the go to another scene or call a function without causing errors on my phone.

Thank you.

Looks fine, and none of this shows any OnMouse_ events (such as OnMouseEnter, OnMouseExit, etc…), so it’s probably referring to a different script. I would suggest a couple of things though- use a button instead of a Collider2D, as that’s what they’re made for. If you need non-rectangular buttons, just set this setting higher than 0 on the Image component the button is attached to.

Also, the use of scenes for something like “pages” may be inefficient (if that’s like a “turning pages in a book” kind of situation)- possibly far more inefficient than any specific input methods on mobile. I would recommend looking into statemachines in a single scene, and enable and disable GameObjects as the state changes, if you have the memory for it.

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