Game speed different in editor vs fullscreen

Hi guys

My game suddenly started lagging when I don’t play it with the screen maximised.

But when it is maximised it runs smoothly…but now I can’t change values in the editor while the game is running because it will be very very slow…

I’m using unity 2020.3.10f1

Any solutions?

I don’t know how to fix it but i got a fake solution for you. You can use the inspector as a indepent tab. For that drag to inspector to some point of the screen until it doesn’t attach itself to some tab. Then hit the play. Even you were in maximize screen you should be able to change the values

This sounds more like a performance issue with your PC, rather than Unity, but i could be wrong.
Some of these simple things might help:

  • Restarting your computer (this way also restarting Unity)
  • Checking the Task manager for the sudden loss of resources (if any)
  • A nice extra way of debugging would be moving the project to another PC and seeing if the problem persists. If it does persist, it is a problem with your game.
  • Check that Unity collab is disabled. This has been known to cause issues with the frames of the Unity Editor
  • Try could be to add -force-opengl into your Unity Shortcut target
  • Make sure to disable any hardware monitoring software. This might come with the PC or be installed such as EVGA Precision, and so on.

I hope some of this helps you, but it is really hard to help solving a problem which might simply be coming from your PC and not necessarily Unity :slight_smile:

I fixed this by dropping down the tab that says “Free Aspect” and making sure Vsync Game View Only was checked. I’m in Unity 2022.3.7f1.