When I press play in unity my game speed is at the correct set speed. However, when I run ml-agents in Comand Propmt and then press play in unity, all the animations of the game are sped up - char select normally has a slow rotation animation when you flick through them but now it will just do it instantly. The game noramlly ends in around 60 secs but with ml-agents running it ends in 2 seconds and at the end there is a coin that spins at a moderate speed but will be violantly spining around with mla running.
the config file is your .yaml or behaviour file if you have made one
otherwise you can pass --time-scale=# in the command prompt when you run your training
mlagents-learn --time-scale=1 --run-id=1 --force
though as said, the speed up is intended to make the training quicker otherwise you will end up waiting much longer (default training speed is 20x or --time-scale=20)
Thanks I ended up using the --time-scale=1 as I do not have a yaml file. In terms of the speed my options are limited as its a turn based game with objects being Tweened to certain positions, I find if I increase the speed too much things start breaking that won’t when played a little slower. I’m hoping to scale horizontally and train ,multiple agents at once to get past that issue.