I have had a few complaints about the program I released, made in unity about 3 months back , because it stops responding for no apparent reason. The time between crashes seems to vary and is not do to any specific actions within the program (game) seemingly. I have not encountered the problem myself on the 3 systems that I own (all windows 7, 2 PC 1 Laptop) however I can provide an output_log sent to me by one of the users who bought my program. This seems to be a unique case between 2 users, no one else has encountered this problem. One user in particular has run the game on 2 systems (1 laptop, 1 desktop, both windows 10) and only experiences the issue on the Desktop (Windows 10).
My question would be: Is this a Unity problem or a Windows error? How can I solve this and possibly prevent it in the future??
The Log attached has several instances of ERROR: SymGetSymFromAddr64, GetLastError: ‘Attempt to access invalid address.’
Does anyone have any idea what this could be? This is the last resort since i could not find a solution by simply Googling like any other issue I’ve had.
Unfortunately from Unity I have not recieved a response, however when looking online, it seems to be a Windows issue as far as I can tell, more common with Windows 10 Systems.
Yeah we are getting the same issue.
Created a game called Golf With Your Friends: http://store.steampowered.com/app/431240/
The recent update has seen a few players getting this issue. Not sure if its to do with lighting or a memory leak somewhere.
We lost our overwhelmingly positive status and 5 days work because of this.
Everything we try. We removed any code and lights. No crash.
Put the lights back in = crash.
remove lights and add code back in = crash.
With nothing though it seems to run for ever.
Because its on our customers computers its really hard to bug test and the logs dont give much info.
It seems to be on Windows 10,8 and 7. Mostly 10.
Getting reports like this every now and then too with every 5.3 version. No idea how to reproduce or what it might be related to (although I also noticed that it seems to be most common on Win10), so no idea how to send a proper report to Unity
Tried removing all Realtime GI and Bake lighting along with lightmapping and still nothing.
It doesn’t matter what I remove or add it just changes the time it takes before the crash.
I’ve learned that this issue specifically happens in regards to lighting and enabling/disabling lights using Event Triggers or from script. It seems that this is where most people have the issue… However, I’ve reached a workaround with this issue by setting light intensity to ZERO when disabled, instead of turning the light off. by disabling the component. For others still, the program will crash on startup, specifically it will stop responding. (stop interacting with Windows) Any other solutions to by anyone? Has Unity perhaps looked into this issue?
The log files don’t mention what CPU the user is using
During QA testing, the repro is tested on Intel computers by default, not AMD.
3, If the issue only happens on AMD processor, the QA will not be able to verify the bug. Unless someone explicitly states that the errors only happen on certain types of hardware.
This is why I asked what the CPU is.
There have been numerous reports over the year of people reporting issues while running Unity games on certain AMD processors. Notably, the AMD A-series processor. There are a bunch of threads about this.
No one is taking it seriously for some reason. The bugs reports are not getting elevated to the developers.
Almost all of the evidence collected shows the issues only happen on AMD processors, not Intel machines.
You can see one thread here: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/very-bizzare-error-appeared-in-the-editor-console-odd-tag-cleanup.341934/
To be honest it’s probably an AMD issue because I have all Intel Machines and I personally have not experienced this issue. I have only seen it through customer complaints, screenshots, output_logs and screenshares. Side note: all my PCs/Laptops are windows 7, with intel processors and Nvidia GPUs.
Yup after a bit of digging, the users experiencing issues with my Unity program also have AMD processors, for example, AMD A4-6300 APU with Radeon™ HD. Is there any way we can contact Unity directly regarding this problem? It really seems like it cause bigger complications in the future.
Best way apart from directly getting the attention from someone at Unity somehow would be having a reproduction case on the latest Unity 5.4 beta asap. They are about to ship 5.4 soon and check every report I think. Problematic if we don’t know what exactly triggers it and nobody of us has an AMD A CPU
Maybe report the entire project and link to this thread?
Coincidentally all 4 of my machines are Intel… so I haven’t yet found a way to reproduce this issue myself either. I wonder if could be a driver problem? Maybe an update or repair would fix, however i doubt it since most of these crashes are happening on newer machines, usually windows 8 or 10. What can we do?