Game tab (window) keeps undocking?

The game window randomly, comes unstuck from where I dock it.
(after around 10 -30 minutes,)
This happens whether docked next to scene. Or in its own window.

Anyone have any experience with this, and how I can correct it please?


PS. Usually happens when Unity is minimised.

So no-one has ever heard of this before.
I find this very odd.
Because its been happen now for days… hmm.

I get this when clicking from the scene to the game tabs. So frustrating!

Sorry I meat to reply way before now.

I have no idea how it fixed itself but one day it just stopped happening. So I am truly sorry to say I dont know what causes it.

But from the complete lack of response I got from Everywhere I asked it seems its a real anomaly.

I hope your sorts itself out as well.

Again sorry I could not be of more help. :frowning:

Happens to me irregularly when I switch between the Scene and Game tabs in the editor while the game is running. The Game tab detaches and cascades on top of the Scene tab, which is super annoying cos I can’t seem to be able to place the game view behind the scene view.

Finally found the problem. You are probably locking the mouse to the game which means that when you click on the game tab the mouse teleports to the center of the screen. Unity thinks that you have dragged it to the center so it undocks the tab. You could try to make it so when you tab out of the game it brings up a pause menu and the cursor gets unlocked

same here

same problem

The problem was using Lock cursor during “on Disabled” event its seems liek in editor it is also invoked when going out of playmode what makes effect that cursor is locked also in editor game tab window. So using lock cursor with “On Disabled” is something we need to avoid.